
wainr nr.ic.iu>. Waim

NrłiKABftA. TWMOAY. lANTAMł (ii. 1«U

Road lmprovement Ptanned for Area

Karty Dam fnjm ihc Wayr« Iferaki fo75a**ry W. \¥»

Kuad Jdwwri prokain nlrtlMMt Kebraaka for Uda Y<*r i rc;-aJr gradlryg and grarHIng the hchwgya ctMacting Wayne With WUioidr and w.th WskrfWkL cłs**l may slao be plscrd be

i of POfrr.

i sódlOoa »ill br buli*, on ihc tfti at th* SUatlon hotel t Lou* Kock JT^ stiffertd s

urrd dtuU wh*n thr w**

and Neldm Andor** d tsncas-

tfr. CaL. »f|r marrted Deeemhrr 28. 1929    1

Vcme Tmitmsn of Winwóe. eorsprd włtH m.oor Injury wtwn h£s rar lurtid o* er

L Schmlrrt eołd hi* himbrr yord st Wir»k*r to th* CWwgo Lumfcor Os

rtmer CV\*ctand aokł Ma cafe tn D:wn to Win. Stron AHmston.

} Dsvid Wihon, 51. tsat Oni «ar wmrtn m Uiorrl. d-ed Orrmbrr 31 1%8

Mn Sarah MsrtMI. 84 dkd st

N#w Ruilnc F.ffaetKe.

7>»n*porUlKm cf hk» hor*f*

*»nd dęi to md. mott* trock <*c prtvar#)y QMn«d motor v«48cM"Ubaut * permie iiourd by tlić

pWfmirrnt bmnw effectiw I>f-ccrnber 10. »cfł^nt to offWe of dcfrrv»* traru port itiioo. The actlon apphe* i# lAtr*-+Ute, inlcTtUle and forełgn ćommeror.


M^c* W Urna Cłkicralrcac la* gore (rosi S*nU Mun^rs. Cal., to Lem Ałtaju*

Mik ł*ayc fiirahan «pr*»l ihc hdalaya ia Chicago with her

daugtiirr. Mn Thek Cuticr Coamy Agml W H H*mW .ind Mila Mary llrrndoo rrfumnd Sat* urtiay trem Linooln whrw fhry hut ihmikd t/fc rnnfrrrncc of nrtrmion workrt-*

Mn Unacr ftrrd    herc

Kriday fiotn lldltic^^rc. Mii* . to vt*t Mc Cn»ndm-.iię*^ Mr\ (co.

TWamaa \frIU. 5A ckrd ar h* bonę north cf Rilgcr. Itrcewtec

30.    1*»

A da«M^drr u*a* bom to Mr and Mm Arihtir Kohlmncr of Omaha form* rly cf IWakMkM. tVcrfr.brr

31.    1« I

WakeflcU! boartf rerkefrd W. C Jsckman hegd cf ihr *choo» r^eiy (fayae Uaypr*la««.

Trean Waiitr Kerałd for Jar*u ary 12. 191* Arnold Pfril twgM Ihc Wm. Krt»uv* proprrty in Hn§. kim .    . Ato*t Ruhlow will op

erne tte Hfcnkir.'. hotąj [ . . Mtu AMf* I(«-»r*an    nullm- w

U » »n

ary *tort frOm łloakira to KorfMk ^ich Thry ge* thrir .^hrr '«.a.l • • Dr W C Wtghfman and fam- . thmuieh tlw p«*nffxe. ily wnt to CMitom* ro apend a tik- Daily Lnc*4n Nrłirmka frw montM C. N. klanke rod |.S(sie Joiimal om gł*r iwo fo len Loutt Zaorwr of Koalom. h*>r|hflur# UlłT rvr^,    rMrnł

cjened a naAtrd: pkfurc ahem Ln ^ea and In many iom» bcctiuw Dtaori    Waynr council *»*od fo ,, ,, ,be cmly V%rxr viaic dalty h.-.

Uuld a hne to the college to fur- ,w^ , nrd Denver iwint,n« nifth rVcldc |Km>r . Jrcob    n«h* .« fart after 5 |> m T>>c

Weren. a«| Mat* Delio Stnulhen.    j^mai petnt* ed.l.om

wer* marrird Jamoary 11. 1911 aght up untll tnun timr «U> and

Arthur Akwrn ram* from Kar- nighl The Mom.n* J«jrnal (umrą kaker, III . to aaatat hń bfoAher. |Q Umr {łjf r.^,, drlnery ihc same J*mra. la thp a*orr    Walter    i>.|.Me* prtnied or» ilw Tema

^ptMrn of I Bonew. la. and Mtaa |irłr rthi for Iw* rr'aiłm Con    of Wfcrdf. were t>* i .nmln Journal arii* for

rnamed Jadttsry %. 1911 Tele- łhrr* ło ,|n#Urs a Vc.tr |ck* phonr Imeijn the tWrihuty are be- Młty othcf U * stole mommg . WnpWMd . . . Mr a?v1 Mm ^allr. and l« pnerd n* lnu- n* day G«St C^rh4n arr mm.nc to Tma% ,#|f af„ ,«,**, ^--r, for benrf.t cf lhrlr tona Foolih B,    Nfbnskl ani north

. . . jMMslBrllfoin. jr. ha* bem Kan«.. n.ne wi^ek* daity $100: appmntedaknr cf ihr copyttia of »«|aily uith Sun<Uy lwe)v* weeV« thr stnte crnnte Mr Ht*mMn«wco a %r<%r %ym daily. $M rf>

i^hrr^rł rd,,h IWt> Mrt *w,lt;    l5ę *i fwałh lilgher

Mlrmle Sbalihric and Mm Jeuie iD oihcr *iair»

I-mber*oo ,rr r~" n,r*r-" for Ordrr c-.r^r* nr lhm.lch o.ir cf. Ilcbrfcah* . . . Csrroll u to hnr    ,y |• |

Offle* la    fal

Dr. R A. L‘MK«n ha* h-a of(Vi (n IF«e Wayne Stagiltrl. l*hooc Cl

Lot* foUF *4). f|vf 15). and tcx l€» Work twenty-** f»i. of Sou*h Addiijod to WskeflrM. i» Dl*tm ir+rty. Nobrsika.

and Uff ton SvJn* hor lh* Fotlof i*4 prranna. juireb •    u*,' «n

RV*odhaft. hrr wió-mer. Km Bioodhari. ubo il fhc -sn^ per •on •»

______ Frrd M BloMfMrf dr>d thcj<»f tao orlock i

fO«*r «hoaiA^ r»cd Mif* ptn^n a* K ^ Woodhan. !»«ld day.

*t muni* «.f thr Mr *on. K. M f&odbaft, kr xń. l>«’cd »hH prtition and the iirsh nv«odhAft. u ho U iyi? ud* hor. A D. 1911 bo «lvcn to alt if»on aa Sarah A. Kicwbrr, h»r 'Sr»H in %mhS msttrr JŁtkhtrr; Martha M«>hrrfy, Iarr|d28ll «py of thla ord*.- daojlrtn: Cors PnW. Mr W5»\**h-;    - - —

rUld s urddyitrr; Carr%e D. Cnflf. kr •itu^h-a ORIlKK TO *||r»\Y CACHT I In tsid PWiily.|lpr;.C. O Bliodlurf. her aon. ard. fn »M* <IWMrt rourl of Wj>tv» Wrcl^* pn.r »«, iMyrtK* HWodturt. I»rr dau^nUr. [ocstfity. Ne^ru«ka c    h* h*łr %tir «ini oflly Urwą ui lavw. j In ik maf^rr of tho mtalc cd

J M. OfKRRY*.' lK»t the prayer of ca»J    lr«o CKirlm O 5trRnr. tV<-<j«cd.

f^nuiiy Judtfc.jta f«>r o dfcrcr dr»rm4mOc    To    Rry <; 54.iJon. Mmu Selk*.

-    -    -    lirme of Ihc droih •»! tho dri«*d#nt Roy t SrCon. loutac Sclicn. Ar*

TAI. AinrTINCi aial liłc nanw a of hor fc#;rt I 'Mir N*. SeJk^f. I^-Ui    *5(101

*«amr> Xoti>»«o» \>+ dccrr>> of kof u«1 'k|t% ,VI* 55nloo. Fuher SHIon. C.ad C Wiki.    .mrj Ihr rU»i« of <f*c*v*t «'f «k*d[Srlk>«l. A>^c Sr Mon r>m R. St*|.

of ihr ml ci    djlco, OUadyt Sedna M M

r^loti* XVrrd pif- •-młifnr* ff aa»t! rv<rs»od lind torj-m Oarrr Mwre. Flw V Vor On \V«<dn4’hday, such otMr and furU#c rćisf ‘aa[ttnon. Oorer Mortrnacn. Hrsik* a» 1.8CI |i nv. .ii may be jd»i and h^.utdc Mnd<8rlłofi    R. i.r^ Murtlo.

Ihc ox*| liyu.ii jv<irr »r» ihr prtm.*rt    ' |OfirajV Srłlon. John V Cillra-

>!*.». •.« |irm1dci| 8«k1 ;aHlt>an wńl l»c hfard by .p* ar-1 Frank W. C»lr*p^

-    S Sup|i. HMti wd County Courl at tbp.CotiSly <)n fł*U Jlat day of I>irmb*r.

kr mnctirtf ah*i:| Cdurt IU»om łn ihc Couii    ai 1^44 fhM nw camr en for hesr*

it<;vi Vfyncr

In Ihr cmjnif «v»4rt of Wn>tW couniy Nobrmł*

ln Ihc maltrr óf !he rMatr r* C A. IltoodKfrt d**reawx|

To utl iw >«t*t .dterr^^.rd in *st(S c*'*!e. ł*-1h ffrdijors .tr«d lirim: Yi«j an* hrfrhy ro’iltiil thil rn • h*» ^8lh day .f łhwrhrr. 1944. M XI. U:<-a>1hn'l iiflilHNtrf. fiktl

An Army That’s


Never Be<


County j trber


.it-y. e named prroon* and sil oth

0f [rrviM ll**,.TWtfd la Ul j «•

Ute !Hr<f brfort    ln the

c+urtruom «if th* <v*iri>>rrja#* of •Skl county m ihr nty of wayne oft the ?3ni day of F.*bruary. 1915. at the hfur of 10 CO a m . to >>*'* c*u**\ tf sny there Fe. why s de-clar*tcer Judgmrnt tkc*M not br

ehterodj iU«ę.-#i4ng author.ty m Harry fi S#i\*n sa rccartor of Iht

rsrai# rj OłarSra O SrlJon.- dr-

ccaxd. to comry ir»* ibcr.r de-arribed fe*I rafaic !o John V. Cd-ttp*r and FrafA W. Cittcapłc *c-•jordiflłj to the ferma U um! ahmc mentiocłtl cor'r*e? cf vale. %

It .» fUrther ordem! thsr a mery of fhe <*drr be »<rvfd on the

a boa #    pet*

er prraona iru*nb tatr by «au%«ru: t

publiahnl orr# r«*Ć

rcewculiw- mrcka lt< rtold. a Ugal A cd.    a od

wDd Wsynr r .un|

a HV Tll«



*w ani sil oth-

ted ut ud ca-ho Mmr to bo i h we+k for foor ln'the Wayne]

•w.paffce. print--

c.rrulatrd uw y. Nrtntu. |


JACKSON. Diuna Judgej


m fca>t Sccuod Slrao4 W*yr.e. Nefce.

I>V Fb. 15 - Msbt n» 4(4


Martin L. Ringer


Wrłtrs rvcry kind cf iimirsnca rirceę< Ufo. Special altention to Eann and Automobile IwansM

(tenthack Hospital

Pho«« 106

m *V%rt HŁ    War**. WaK

OtUopalhlr l'hrvUn Fyra F.«amla*d * Glawwa Pltrd

Waymr. Nebr.



Ali Klsda cf liwariM PWr *#TW

. DH. J.T.




Phonr 305 J For Appointmrnt

Ul West Secoml Street Wtyne,    Nebr.


(i. A. I-amlwrson

Mml r.date and .\|| Rlndt of ln«urancr KtcepC Ufa

Wayne. Ncbn-ka



• EM. 1114)

Beckcnhaner Sefvice

W»m*. Neb I Willard Wllt**. l.lr**Vd Rrahi

Mds Theieae &rvm «f Wayne.


Bu* Schedule

wiim ........... laiiip*.

Arrow Słage Linen


lvUn% ha w bron madę to wleci the beat wiwat grown ln Mtbcoa ks thls yeor and to mur U m na*. tionnl «*Hamj»H»nthap cocepetuton for ihr brat of ihb grsin grwn in lho United Siato* dunng 1941 The .UU rhampkn will rrcofe* a champdcwhip UopAy and a cs»h prur.

Rach *tatc ihca may tatrr Ha two be%t wtool Mdaplri a peck • from the runaersup for aUte bonom. as •vłl a* the rh*ntpxiB. in the rvit.mil oompetłtlon.

The wnner of ihe rui«ccvsl chsmpkmihlp reorlve« an all-ex-prnae trtp lo MinneaprAo. wtiere he n s p*w^l gumt of Mr Hlla-bury Ile alw> rvhłm a cham-pionHop ln>phy and a esah pnie

"fe&BB «*'7

NDTrCK OK IMfOBATT OK WILL ^ The rtair if V< kratka Wijw etami y. st

At a omnlv courf. IrM ut IIk rounKy <v*»rt nwn. *n nnd f*>r 'aal I county of Wayne rn Ihc ")lh iNyj of tkvember. 1941

In ihe matier «»f the e*uir rd Mary K- PnwtaM Arwwd On reodlnc >nd fil ng the tril tlott of William A. Cmaalaml. Wr* don K. fruulial 'in«1 P&nl NI Crutsland. praymg ilinl ihc mrnl filed <tn lar 27lh day of De-ermu-r. 1941. UMFpwyodtni tobr thr Ual will and Inunwnl o( mh! ih*o»3Mxt reuy Im pnAiyl .iml n‘* >owrd u* ihe UH will and leUa-mtnt of *SMl Mury K Cr«*a!.ird decraaiiL and Ihal Hm eseculiOA of ta id imiriiPKcl may br rem-mitted tn Wdhom A. CiumUihI a%


ORDFWFD. 7>-it Ja mian* 20 1945. nt 2^*> n‘rfork p m. h *v tignrd for lirarieg tald prtitkm. u-hrr> sil pervm inlerr^led may appear at ihr manty court nwm In Wayne and fhow cm nu? why ihe prsyer of the reilflnesre Oimiid no4 b# fwMal. and rhot hotlce cf Ihe

THIS votl American ogrUullurol ormy doovn't know the mconlng of defeot.

Tliroc nullsof* of Amcrtrun farm nnd mnrh pro-I«V are advnr»cing slong tlm road to finał yk^^iry. -Jtouklrr to sKnilder wrth tbe mrn and wocnen In lho anmul »er>kv» No "E” flogn fly from the ndge polea of their laims ... no medal* nre jannod on thi-if ahirt froota. Their rewnid aa the isner talufadioii of a job wrli ducia.

Ix»ok at tłańi mord of yictork*! In 1944. food prodortion agam reachod an sil-limo high- 158.-*JfiO.(XIO nv.it smiwila wrre flaughtend; 3.101,-ODO.OOP hoHheU of o-rn. 1.11$^00/KX> b«whela of whret; dairy pwducU. poultr>'. rfp, ctr., in mr-««rd or mar muni guantibail And bouiuie they pood'K*d .*41 thia food. thenest pKking induatry woa sino abla to po*c** snd dutnlmt* a r*c«nl voluxne of me* La—25 btTUon poutklf. ^

Roch >*nr sińca tha war atartoi, w hot warno I to he "impotwible" grała w*re wet for food pro duetton. Esch ycor tSone oty*tiv«a have bwm rwtchnd and aurpswed in «płtk of ahr-rUg»*i of help and mm hinery. Farmer* and tHKMIt hava prodocmi the atAggenng tonnof** of food* re-«l*jired to foed milhona in th* armed aenrioo* and ln* rrat of the nntion at homr.

America Is proud of thf ylctarlai won by thla "Anny TKat’» Naver ftacn 8001011.'*


$5.00 FOR Y0UR G00D IDEAS!

ftlMtkol 4*«ł »*kS ftv hcv«    «*ovnO

*ao« or ponk o*« »we»    W« yof to \*»4 e

trUf iW0o-i cA o*» M pal Ai e* Mgfr ęo J*»* hai Mp««l »s*m :*» ft-r ttr— o* 'fs' «*t»ir o# poAc i-g Ihedoek. dory md poAry p-od-c*. w»fbta*x. co*r.x c/ dh*f <»cpv 5rlacad -deei *4S kr    ae OK

MO*. **d •• »* uH $5 łyoAfhaolywi »tich -• prł. Sam (ow* ba •****• 4    lic icMa- VIcJ

yoe iOaei W $•** A Ca-piwr. A§Wm* EAłor. OkogeT. Ula**.

BOY WAR BONOS for Taoks Today aed Tractofs Tsaant*

cri/« V Vfof*f    Cl wago

* w and tery /n»*a to mathH. Tłu diger-

r*cv łnr4e crifisjy/<v •#>«.    «-^*f *w>. «**«f

i#r?V cr 0*7 rmrkrtt. bitec'.

priaratt atpputt porać ara aa fcU>war ,,Goad" te ' Choter' larrotr* anJ gi)(a that «vigh betewn 200 a*vt .'TO pvun«l» harc a fl.*#r pnee of f 1240. Clucago i*ue Al Uraural and lelerK* market* otkar Um* ChM-.igo. Ihe copporl pfKe w 13 ?% helów tha radtng prve * aa of Nov. 15. 1944' at that cujuI for bo«a wirhin Ihe 700 lo 2*0 p*i*d wcight rasfa.

Tboaa auppurt prkea wffF rmotn ln aScct unlil Juna 1945

Patronu# the rhrfrwn

Fili ’er Up With the Best

; When y^u osy that pard-

. . .

760 motor oil! It’* tough; It doe*n't clog the motor with banoful w**Un, and R flowa the minutę you •Urt the motor. Your ar nrtdi it no w!

Diamond 760 Motor Oil

Earl Merchant

# FOK TANK W Any Tom — Any



In the roun»y craart c4 W.iytu caintjr. Ni*l»rw»kt.

The »late ol Ndimki Wayne county. n

To all persona lntrn**?e#1 m ihr eotate of Tbomn C. Williama, ile. reoacd:

You are herrby nolKied ihit on Ihe JOlh ilny of Decemhrr. 1941. Mark J. Rrfsrf. odmiatałnHor.

rhlt flruł sccoun* and pHt-for dtftlrlhuiten of ihe reatdor of Mid eatatr. n <8*trrmin»l*<wi of Ihe heinc ond for a itscchart:*. Hrwring wl!l be hatl cet *skl ae-eoant and petiikm at the rour.ty rant rwn m Wayne. Nebrosks. on tk# 2Cth day of January. 191.\ St 19 4'clock a. rm. uhm *11 prr-♦ont lnUrr*t«Hl may appear to k^iow o*u*c why ihe prsjer of Ihc

petltlparf bc noi granted.

Da Ud tM* 2hd day of January. 1843.

fSMl)    J. M. OrRRRY,

)4t3    County Jialge.

NOTK F. OF rMOlUTT OK WILL TT»e *1*1# cf HehraahS. Wayne county. u.

At * county ccuM. UM at lh# oorunty court room. In ant for wid county cf W«,U, en the 2r»d day of January. 1945.

la the mattrr of the ed»te of Tmift Ifensrhko. drccaced.

Ol muksfig and fUing tha peti-ton of Minna Nolfe. (>ra>>/»f that the* tnatniment fikd on the 29th day of IkmaUr. 194A a ml pur* parttng to be the lott will and totainMit ci oaua iWeoanrt. may be pruved and alkwrfd m tU lut

cxW CMcfcam. USA. (?) Nohoi‘a MaoT. (?) trepek AW, of mtolA loeratl (o «o*wv o~4 r#e<8s#v Idaol for form 4»ó W#vVck orQO%io*<ei. Ic4f. dib

Anotłur naw yoar »*ort». Ml o* promlt#, «rd quc*(imi for Amrkbn agneultura. Will tlu* war itkI «t* UMfiKow much food w>;i Kuropr i>wd from ua*’ Wili n# aminy nrvd pncecbntrol# Ik* r^neJ? W list nhout ilu fml .ilu Alton? Thrftr are bul a frw of thr ”if«” wr an* up pg3UM»t ftliHcn wo make |A*n* for tlia toming y*ar Ib hdp •rock produccr*. we liere comtrme optnkm łi*cmtly eiprasę J by War Food Admlnkfr*tvon eroonraist*.


CATTLEs 77iry foreww for *45 an jncrr*a* in lir num brr of łkttle and olrea łdaughtmd. poitigfy a nault of the tendmry to reduóe the «re of hglU THry sl» esprot an Increase m the numbrr of cattlr fen! for akiuglKer. From 19W> to 1949. they escpcct a grad ual g<i*li»w in alaughten-ig. w>fh ycsirly Jaughtrr around 28 to 29 mliSon heod

HOGS: Thrir rwtimate of toto! 1945 h.*g alaughtcr 1*

about 7$ m»r*>n. agalnst approiimotely 100 mdlkm in *44. Tliry mpect hog prodootion in 1846 to ba fknr to 1945 lewi*, dcpending on the frod latunlkri

SHEEP, LAM8S: SUughu-r in '45 will likrly be Ihe *msUo»l aince 1929. du* to facanft aeiting of tHBB#ng •lock. By 1946, they we a dermnd far esetofing the aupply. biuimg to pwiihb «pan*on of (lo»Jlo rrree

tho foftkJwing five yton. Thia trehd may be «p«e by

wool.foctor uneertslntiea. 1


ix m j In naaHy 20 >fam with Swdt A FI-';' y Company. I have Ulkod with *\    thuiawnda of farmer* and nmch-

'WYjgP em tt\ all reiliona of the United Siato*, ajid h*v« tried to bring w*    about a bet ter mutual under-

danoling in thr American liyatock and ornat »ndu*4ry. I h.vve b>me6Ud gnoiły from thnaa taQc«. But eveti »u 20 ycwr*. s mso eon g»t Om \ .iw point of ordy s niaUwrly frw peoptr. That ia wrhy thia puge hs» bren bom, 00 that wa cos uiU tłunge ov«r with moro of >*oa tbao it psuib4*> to do pcmonaUy. Wr want your coo-•troctive idea*. VH*wa. and thought* for tha Uf cannmt of thr liemtock and ment Mmtry.

will wekom# your m^fooliona and fair erki-i mu Any qu*Mion* yoa robo will be snawwad lajiba* roturrma, or by Urtter.

bhould >ou (tc\ laka wnting cni a Irtter about aify agrwultum! mattrr. pinu* do*0. Chify*tv in Chicago, drop in at my offieo at Swift A Ompeny. Union Stock Yanii. it you b*vta‘t lisio to viaic. pmhapa >ou aan phoao mr aft thia rramU-r - Ysnii 4200. lxal 710.

May Ihr naw y*»r Uinf to all of you food wtuthrr. food cn>p*. cood return* for yow

k. good hesith, and an end of wsr.

AgriaJtura! Ke**re\ Oepsrfawat


1) I« «t-l V>'«.Mry OoiU

Rig 1^1 Cmtint AJJm Uf. lo You, Yoan. mml Ynrr> to You, Uf.


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wyrok Sądu Apelacyjnego w Katowicach 2013-01-15, III AUa 408/12, LEX nr 1271872 wyrok SN 2012-06-13,
IC 1 Chart 5011 2Natural Features icForeshore —» II, IJ    Coastline 1 ^ ’
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