Scientific    n    Scientific

ę\»rtronics Ł Electrical Engincering (Contdj    Electronics 6-Electrical EnRineerins (Contd)

Ąlto—ting the Progranedng for the Mlnalc-2(22) Ooaputer, by H. V. Sfalcut.

RU3SIAN, H*uka i Takhnlto, 19&7, 69 PP*


Preoipitation of Snoking Tw ln Higb-Tenaion Eleotroetetio field*, by H. A. Yoekreeenrfdl,

E. JL. Khran.    ,

RUSSIAH, par. Rybno o fla». Yol 42, Ho 10, 1966,

PP 5W1.

CcMputlng Center o£ the Univerelty o£ Letvie»

by E. Ario*, 3 PP*    .    „

RUSS1AN, per,    1 TekhnlkA, Ho. 10,

Rlga» Oct 67, pp. 20-23.

JAS 43,865

Burecu of Ooaeercdcl Flaherlee Branoh of Foralgn Flaherlee

Developoent o£ Shlp Antenne Equlpoent, by H.I. Favlov, et al, 5 pp.

RUSSIAH, per, Sudottroyenlyą, Ho. 11, Leningrad, Hov 67, pp. 54-36.

JPRS 44,025

sietwTlgw. pp

Union o£ Electronic Technology and Sporte, by M. Yakobl, 3 pp.

RUSSIAH, per, Heuke 1 Tekhnlkg, Ho. 10, Rlga, Oct 67, pp. 30-32.

JPRS 43,865

Oontlnuoua and Dleorete Serroayatoee, by S. L. FopkoT, Tu. S. IbptoT, 2& pp.

RUSSIAH, bk, ^

Hodelix« of a SpooiaL-Puipoee Digital Computer

for auOl OompuUUon Joba u^ng a 0«r^.

Purpoae Digital Computer, ty 0. I. Bellk, V. D.


RUSSIAH, por, .

Ho 3, 1966, pp -

•»*rrv u* _ 9Y7-fA

The "Okean" Marinę Radar Set, by I. P. Lisenenkov, B. F. Volynets, 9 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Sudostroyeniye, No 11, Nov 1967, pp 57-62.    ^

JPRS 44,025

Multiohennel Reoeptlon of Si gnał» lidoh Depend Honllnearly on Rondo* Pare^ero, by L. P.

KU3SIAN', per, Tekhnloheakaya Ubemettjtg, 1965.

PP 47-55.


Theory of Automatio Control and Ad>iata«łt, by A. A. IranoT, 293 pp.

Effect of High-Energy Radlatlon on Ceraalc Dlelectrice, by N.S.Koatyukov and T.M. Salmova, 10 pp.

RUSSIAH, per, ^rudy Coeudaratvennogo leeled-oyątelekoRO bUktrokeranlcheckono lnetltutę, 4 Hov 60, pp. 120-127.

JPRS 44,148

Technical Developnent of Conputers (Aitllned, by B. V. Alekeandrov, 9 PP*

HU8SIAH, per, Prlbory 1 *1*^ upravlenlya,

No 10, 1967> PP 9-U*

JPRS 43555

the RollałdUty of aad Oontrol Drrioea,

FbaalblliUoo of Oloaroto-Aotlon by Y, B. BfooMnakty RUSSIAH, por, gUtut. Ho 59. twC9t-23-56-68


Hioroaleotronloa Today and %*orro¥, 7 pp. RUSSIAH, por, Radio. Ho U, Hot 1967, pp 12-14.

JPW 439^7

On the Asy«ptotic Behavior o£ the Havo Fmction

of e System of Oiarged Particie*, by

R. K. Peteikop.    ___..

RUSSIAN, rpt, Raeteywiyo Elektrcnoy na Atoaąkh,

1967, pp 35-68.

Sci Tech Info Facility ST-AC-PF-10667

Selectlre RC Ai^llflora, by A* Z. SyctroT, V,

I, Takorler.

RUSSIAH, por, MMOtoi, Hol 42, Ho 7, 1966, W *9-50.

Dopt of Interior

Barman of Cbiorolal fltf*rleo

Br«Mh of fbrolgn flaherlee


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