Scientific Materials (Contd)

Scientific Materials (Contd)

Nonraetallic Inclusions in a Steel Bath During the Hoat, ty A. I. Stroganov.

RUSSIAN, per, Izyest. Vuz- Chern. Met. Vol 10,

Ho 8, 1967, vfyćy?.    -

HB 7271

Experience in the Production of Cylindrical Gear Forgings with Flnished Teeth on High-Velocity Forming Machines, by N. F. KotyakoYskii.

RUSSIAN, per, Kuzn.-Shlamp. Proizvodstvo. Vol 9, No 8, 1967, pp 11-13.

HB 7331

Desulfurization of Plg Iron ln Ladle wlth the Aid of Electromagnetic Stirring, ty M. G. Rezin. RUSSIAN, per, Izvest, Vuz- Chern. Met. Vol 10,

Ho 9, 1967, pp 20-24.

HB 7304

Effect of Nltrogen, Vanadivun, and Aluminiura on the Mechanical Properties of Heat Treatable Chromium Steel, by M. I. Gol'dshtein.

RUSSIAN, per, Izvest VUZ Chcr. Met., Sept 1967, pp 137-1H2.

*KB 7306

Ageing Suaceptibility of Steel Held Under PreBsure Whlle Crystallizing, by V. B. Livehit8. RUSSIAN, per, Izvest VU2 Cher. Het.. Sept 1967, pp 152-15lu *HB 7305

Inrestigations of Electric Properties of Polyneric Spray-Ooated Ineulating Filas, by V. A, Kani skin, V, T. Renne.

RUSSIAN, per, Ima. Bnergetika. No 6, 1967, pp 22-



Phase Composition of the Scalę and High Temperatura Strength of Nickel Basa Alloys, by A. I. tytvinskiy & G, D. Plgrova,

RUSSIAN, per, Leningrad. Tsentrałłnyy Nauchno-Issledoyatel1 sl<iy 1 Pr^ektno-konstruktorskiy Kotloturbinnyy Institut im. 1. i, Polzunova.

Trudy l'sK'i'l, issledoyanjye Katerlaloy dlya Knergetlcheskikh Ustanoyok, TSKTI No 69, 1966,

pp 167-170.


Ouality of Parts Deep Dram dth a Liąuid DŁe (Announoed by the Cbalyabiaak Bolytechdo Inst-itute/Chelyabinak Iblitakhdoheekij Inatitut), by l\x. M. PsgoreloT.

RUSSIAN, per, Kaahlnoatroyanlye. Ko 11, 1966, pp 160-164.


Basic Types of Defornation Micro-Contours Ap-pearing on the Surface of Conraerical Iren Test-Pieces During Fatiąue Testing Under Heating in Vacuo, by M. G. Lozinskiy, A. M. Rooanoy.

RUSSIAN, per, Mashinovedenie, No 3, 1965, pp 56-65.


Oonoentrated Nitrio Add for Industrial Use

,-SMtrap' fTo1tYnd"tyn- v°i ?.

HB 7332

Ctaraot«ristlcs of th« Hydnullo D.«o»ling Proo.H

»L!!?*t*d /Su7    ty V. I. Zaloaticii.

HUSSUli. por, Kuin.-ShTtnc. Prol«vod«tvo. Zol 9, no 6, 1967, pp 20-22.

HB 7333

Results Obtained with Use of Hydroacoustic Techniąue in Purse-Seining for Herring in the Norwegian Sea, ty A, A. Degterev.

RUSSIAN, per, 'rjtter.ryb.issled.seyern.bass.*. 1964, 1962-1963, pp 165-165.

NLL Rofi 9022.15 (1203)

Effect of Smali Additions of Cerium, Iron, Nickel and Cobelt on the Mechanical Properties and Electrical Corvductivity of Aluminium, by Y. M. Krupotkin 4 M. B. Gokhohtein.

RUSSIAN, per, Metalloy tern obrąb met. Vol 8, 1966, pp 60-62,

NLL Ref i 9022.4 (67/115)

Effect of Slight Silver Impurities on tho Electrical Resistance of Palladium, ty E. 0. 0konnikov,

RUSSttll, per, !>t»Uurf. 1 n.t«Uoy chl.t a»t. Vol 5, 1966, pp 77-81. iŁL Ref» 9022.4 (67/149)



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