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"Elementy matematyki dla informatyków"
Lista publikacji
1. Common fixed point theorems in metric spaces, Demonstr. Math. 9 (1976), 301-306.
2. Some fixed point theorems, Demonstr. Math. 9 (1976), 507-515.
3. Common fixed point of correspondences, Funct. Approximatio, Comment. Math. 4 (1976), 163-166 (współautor: B. Rzepecki).
4. A notę on concractive mappings and generalizations, Buli. Acad. Polon. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 9 (1976), 743-747 (współautor: B. Rzepecki).
5. A notę on concractive mappings and generalizations II, Buli. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roum.
18 (1974), 311-314 (współautor: B. Rzepecki).
6. A notę on SmartTheorem, Buli. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roum. 20 (1976), 265-267 (współautor: B. Rzepecki).
7. Some variants of Banach fixed point theorem and applications to differential equations, Discuss. Math. Differ. Incl. Control Optim.3 (1980), 53-67 (współautor: B. Rzepecki).
8. Kneser type theorems for ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces, J. Differ. Equations 45 (1982), 139-146.
9. Afunctional differential equations in Banach spaces, Demonstr. Math. 15 (1982), 113-130.
10. Knesser's theorem for weak Solutions of ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces, Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) 32 (1982), 99-103 (współautor: S. Szufla).
11. Structure of the weak Solutions set of ordinary differential equations in Banach space, Ann. Pol. Math. 44 (1984), 67-72.
12. Knesser's theorem for hyperbolic equation, Funct. Approximatio, Comment. Math. 14 (1984), 183-196.
13. Some common fixed point theorems for multi-valued mapping, Demonstr. Math. 17 (1984), 997-1002 (współautor: M.S. Khan, M.D. Khan).
14. Existence theorems for ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces, Abstracts Equadiff 6 Brno (1985), 73-75 (współautor: B. Rzepecki).
15. On the existence of Solutions of differential equations in Banach spaces, Buli. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math. 33 (1985), 607-614.
16. Existence theorems for multivalued hyperbolic equation, Comment. Math. 27 (1987), 115-119.
17. Existence theorem for the hyperbolic equation in Banach spaces, Demonstr. Math. 20 (1987), 489-494 (współautor: M. Dawidowski, B. Rzepecki).
18. On set valued and single-valued mappings with common fixed points, Buli. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 2 (1987), 71-81 (współautor: M.S. Khan, S. Sessa).
19. Fixed points for concractive correspondences, Demonstr. Math. 20 (1987), 495-501.
20. Existence theorem for hyperbolic equation in Banach space, Funct. Approximatio,