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Tb* Potsibilitf ot mam*n*4 im le^ctłc M»aMit of tbo loabarA** (12 A) ui IMittm Scattenng, by 1. A. KcadratjnA. RUSSIAN, prt. 1TEFÓ28.


Tho Receipt of Strontii»-90 and Cesi i»-137 with the Food Ration by tha Population of tha Sociat Union in 1965-1966 aa a Rasult of Stratoapharic Fallout, by V. A. Knizhnikov.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.


The Radioactivity of Atmospheric Air and Cartain Food Products in Moscow in 1965 and 1966, by V. I. Shumakov.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 1967.


Sii^le Quasiclassical Correlation for tha Angualar Anistropy of Nuclear Fission by Nautrons, by V. G. Nesterov.

RUSSIAN, rpt, FEI-66, 1966, 8 pp.


Spectrum of Gaaaa-Radiation Produced by tha Captura of Thernal Neutrons in Platinua, by L, V. Groshev, A. M. Demidoy.

RUSSIAN, prt, IAE-1386. 10 pp.


Teatlng tha Control Rod Orlvaa of Marina Nuclear Raactora, by B.A. Maalanok, 173 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Leningrad, Shlpbullding Publlahlng Houaa, 1967, pp. 1-164.

JPRS 43.834 .«a*irir< Ui* Flusu of Plltared Radiatloa of • jUactor, by K. K. łkllmgur * D. Ta. 5-batora. RJSSU:., par. AL LAIgR. iOiŁ Fllltt. M-

atalonnaja FUlka, 1064, pp 41 J».


FTD-KT-65-370 lUdtatlon H—aga ln Radioaotira and Gan Irradiatad Calais, Strontioa, and Barii fato, bj V. V. Grono*, L. 0. Karaaara. R03SZAN, par, talo:

Radiation end Deforratior Defoets in Crystals, by Ye. V. Kolontsova,

RUSSIAII, per, Moskyą, Izd-vo AK SSSR, Otd Piziko-Matenattcheskikh Nauk. Dcystvlvc Yadernykh Jsluchenly La Materiały, 1962. np 257-P63. •FTD-HY-23-125-68

Conferenca on th© Application of Powerful Radiation Sources in Industry and Especially in Chemical Processes, by V. I. Sinitsin 4 G. I. Crafoy. RUSSIAN, par, Atoanąya Energjya. Vol 8, No 2,

1960, pp 164-1Ć7.

•ACSI J-4152 ID 2204001568

Rodioactivity of the Coolant of a VD-50 Boiling Reactor, by 0. I. Martynova, A. I. Rorarov,

12 pp.

RU88IAN, per, Atoaaaya frerglya, No 4, Oct

1967, PP 305-310-JPRS 43563

Toward the Thoory of Attenuation of the Uensity of Noutrons fora a Pulsed Sourca in Limited Voluaes of the Moderator, by M, V. Kazarnov$kiy, L. V. Mayoroy.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 20 pp.


RadiatWc Variation of Diclocation Density ii: Alkali lialido Crystals Irradiatad in r. Reactor at iornal and Lew Temperaturo*, ty F. L. Andronikashvili.

RCSSIAI.-, per, Ali Grut SSR. Inątltut Fltikl,

-lek^r^neyye i ^.onryye pro*ies-y 1 tv-rdyfn FeTalch, Vo 2,"l9g5. PP>Q.


Neutron Capture by Heavy Isotopea of Urani urn and Neptunium during a Thermonuclear Exploaion, by 7. G. Zagrafoy and V. P. Zonzaer, 15 pp. HJ88IAN, per, Atocmaya Bnergiya, No 4, Oct

1967, PP 319-32o»

JPRB 43563

Atomio Science and Technology on the Flftieth Annivaraary of tha Groat Ootobar SocUliet RaYolution, ty A. N. Petroa»yanta, 26 pp.

voi 23, No 5,

1967, pp 379-395. jprs 43925

Work on Fa«t Neutron Raactora, 13 pp.


1967, pp JPRS 43925

Z. Uorpunakly, 23, No 5,

by A,



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