j i ~T* *.»• '«*»

w. Ta.    4 - Ff.

KUSSlAA, per, ĄV2F4B_i£5

1967. pp eC>U0?7 JPRS **3925

/ai i

4roxi k\. oj \. L. ulagolet. •U*c.fA-. r*r, ihia \y% Ęotrą. Vol 1, *o i


•AŁk. AŁ«


Conetruction of an kUmlc P<mar Station włU. a flN-350 Reactor, by A. I. Uyjamakly A I. I. Afrtłcantoe, 14 pp.

RUSSIAN, par, Atoamaya Enondra. Vol 23. No 5. 1967, pp <409-416.

JPRS <*3925

Atonie Raactor Rosoarch Center, by N. A. Nikolayev <k 0. D. Kazachkovskiy, 11 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Atonnaya Energjya. Vol 23, No 5* 1967, pp 439-445.

JPRS 43925

Cooperatlon Between the USSR and Ctechosloeakla in Construction of an Atonie Power Station, by Ya, Korobeynikov, 6 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Atocnąya Energjya. Vol 23, No 5, 1967, pp 479-4517 JPRS 43925

Cairo Atonie Center and Sclentific-*'echnical Cooperation of the Soviet Union and the United Arab Repwblic, by B. Yu. Golovanov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, par, Atonnąya Snerkjya. Vol 23, No 5» 1967, pp 481-4^5.

JPRS 43925

Atonie Energy Paeilion at Eahibition of the Aohieveaanta of tha National Econoay of the USSR in 1967* by S. Perepletohikov, 5 pp,

1967UW* Pyi,.4£0"n*y>    Vol 23, No 5,


Radiatian Uiffusion in a Madiua Hith a Strongly Elongatad Scatteing lndicatrlx, by V. V. Sobołev.

RUSSIAN, par. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 177, No 4,

1967, pp 812^8lT

Scl Tach Info Facility


EjT ra-Auaoaphenc Meaauraaents of tha Ultra-vi' let and X-Ray Backgrounda and thair Rola in the Study of Intergalactic Gac, by V. C. Kurt, R. A. Dyir.ayev,

RUSSIAN, per, Kosa.icheskiye I*slcdavaniyt, Vol, No 4, 1967, pp S^3-S92.

Soi Tech Info Facility ST-IGA-OG-10666

On Inforoation Deduced from the Critical Mcg-netic Scattering of Neutrons, by V. N. K*shcheyev, RUSSIAN, per, Latv FSR Zinat Akad Ycstis Fiz Teh Zinat Ser, No }. 1966. pp 2Ż-31.


Kodifications in the Construction and Study of the Physical Characteristies of the IRT-2000 Reaetor of the Power Enginearing Institute, Belorussian Acadesy of Sciences, by V, A. Borisevieh 4 V. M. Dolgov, 28 pp.

RUSSIAN, per, Nekotoryye Itwenenjym Konstrukt-sii i Issiedovanlye PTiichasklkb Łharalcierisiik RiAKtófk W3M? SI JJ? 55SR'. 196'3.~up >357 JPRS i*392U

Polyaer Coatings in Nuclesr Technology, by V. B. Tikhucvrov.

RUSSIAN, bk, PoUaernye Pokrytiya v Atowoi Tekhnikc. 1965 7 pp 1-164.


Atonie Power Bngioeering, by B. S. Fordnyokov, 23 pp.

łCSSIAK, per, Priroda, No 10, r<ct 1967,

PP 28-39*

JPRS 43942

Araraga Nentron Daoalty la by A. V. Stepanor. 42 pp. RUSSIAN, par,


Hatboda of Saleiag Problsaa la aatioa Tbaoiy, by L. V. Hkjoroe,

21 R).

RDSS1AN, par.

Doslmatry and Protootlon fron lonltii^ Radiatlon, by B. P. Golubav.

russian, bk, gMA«ttixi,Ł»MbsLł ^

[sitKh    1963, PT 1-336.





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