. lectrcn-uęvt*ial ‘tethotl ot' MecorUin* Thonscn Hittcriiu of li<ht ot a Rii>y U«ct by a • i , b» v. ;^U;ov-Mwi'*ev.

i r, t,


HrtM Cmr Otabdf li|ht «d &xmd 2m|M. by Uur1 Dwydirtct btaboi, 10 pp.

WBSUM. per, 1961. PP 90-106.

JUS *39&7

A Study of a Singularity of ThenDodynamcs ^uantities at the Liquid-Vapor Critical Point of a Purc Substance, by A. V. Voronel. RUSSIAN, rpt, 19 pp.


Dynamics of the Plosoa Envelope of a Non-ty lindri cal Z-Pinch Up to the Instant of Implosion.by Yu. A. Kolesnikov,

N. V. Filippov.

RUSSIAN, rpt, 18/904, 12 pp.


Ir.vesLigatior. of the Processes of jerentiy of Padłation Defects in łonie Crystals, by Ch. 5. Lushchik i G. G. Liy^ya.

RUSSIAN, per, AM LATSSR. Inst FItiki, Radi-atsionnaya rlzlka, 1964, pp 11-23*

P100016066-V FTD-;.7-6 5-370

Thornoluminescence of KC1 and KC1-T1 Crystals Irradiated in a Reactor, by K. K« Shvarts cc Ya. Zh. Kristapson.

RUSSIAN, per, Ali LATSSRj_ Inst Fiziki, Radi-atsionnaya Fizika, 1964, pp 25-30. P1000l60c8-V FTW'3-65-370

Cascade Excitation of the Hydrogen Atom by PaB6age Through a Pląsna Target, by D. P. Grechukin and E. I. Karpushkina, 67 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, IAE-I36L, 1967.



Determination of the 8ynchrocyclotron Accelera-tlng Voltage Using the Dependence of Intensity on the Freąuency of Modulation, by A. N. Safonov, 7 PP*

FUSSIAN, rpt JINR-P-2730, Sept 1966



The Two-Centre Problem in Ouantum Mechanice, oy L. I. Ponomarev and T. P* Puzynina, 16 pp* FUSSIAK, rpt, JINR-P2-3009, 1966.



The Two-Centre Problem in Ouantum Mechanics, Kathematical Part, by L, I. Ponomarev and T. P. Puzynina, 23 pp*

RUSSIAN, rpt, JINR-P2-3012, 1966.



/rc'ti'.oncy Interna! Friction In MF Crystals, :'j    1- D. Driyrycv.

RCSSLV., .^r, A.' nruzSSR, I--stitut Fiziki,

A?1: trenie 1 ionyye nretsessy y tvcrclykh tolakh 2. 1965, :.-p 33-39*    ’


Imrestigation of Radiation Creation and AnneAling of Yacancios in łonie Crystals by the Eethod of Control Coloring, by M. A. Elango.

RUSSIAll, per, AM UTSSR. Inst Fiziki. Radi-atsionnayA Fizika, 1964, pp 31-40.

P10001Ó068-V FTD-M-65-370

Photostinulated Snission from Colored NaCl and KC1 Crystals, by A. I. Bolkind & L. Ye. Magli. RUSSIAN, per, AM UTSSR. Inst Fiziki. Radi-atsionnaya Fizika. 1964, pp 45-62.



The Effoct of Ionizing Radiation on Photo-stimulated Etnission frem Crystals MaCl and KC1, by A, I. Belkind, & R. I, Kaler.darev.

RUSSIAN, per, AM LATSSR. Inst Fiziki, Radi-atsiormaya Fizika. 1964, pp 63-66.

P100Ól6068-V FfD-I.T-65-370

Thermal Ouenching of X-Ray Lundnosconce of Certain Alkali-Halide Phosphor Crystals, by K. K. Shvarts & E. D. Aluker.

RUSSIAN, per, AN LATSSR. Inst Fiziki. Radl-atslonnaya Fizika. 1964. r>p 67-80. P1C0016068-V




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