Wptyw tmęOkwma oMyta kwwnaeqlf ł restaurację dzid ntNU
ot i work of Mi ha» high rHrvanoe to uNtarritton. By the introduetion oI demenfc of non-nutrrtalnrM toto mbiy tht —tNOo oi "wrw media” Hm had a significani knpacl on rtnninwnlaOim tn uMUMYMton work and on Ib rclation M t parttadar wotk of art.
Al dtf MMt Hm, m1 conoorm/ton Hm bacom* dowiy Hnkcd wtth tcoioHcal Mtd mmmmmul otobmbco, fhaaiHy (Ht Mdli. adturaL And ptychobded coMrata tn conaawatlon hrtng HwbN out AtMntton Hm baw aitratied to the ■km ot ambon ot o worit ot ort and lo tt> cultural idwBty Pmwt-diy ■Mtaopity, cnraHng (Hf dwory ot comptaa rtWom batwern a wotfc ot ort and gna and tht btHcddtr. Hm moribuMd to (Hf undmtandm g ot ort conaawatlon ■ m Mtrmedtuy tnirrpfruoon