Klcclrooptical Properties of Triglycine Sulfate. A. S. Sonin and
A. S. Vnsilevskaya.....................................
Positron Annihilation in Metals. V. L. Scdov......................
K.\changc Pairs of Nllrogcn Impuritics in Diamond. L. A. ShuPman,
I. M. Znritskii, and K. A. Tikhonenko.........................
Thoory of Spin-l.:»Uice Relaxation of Impurity Contcrs. L. L. Buishvi)i
and M. D. Zyiadadzo....................................
Splitting of Uic -127-1 cin"^ Absorption Linę of the Ni2* łon in a ZnS Single Crystal and thc Jahn-Tcller Effect. K. K. Dubenakił, A. I. Ryskin,
and G. I. Khirko.......................................
Thoory of Llectromagnctic Excitation of iMagnetoelastic Waves in
Fer.romagnets. G. M. Nedlin and R. Kh. Shapiro.................
Broadening of thc Optical Branchcs of the Phonon Spectrum in Metal Hydridee. I. Knrimoy, E. C». Broyman, M. G. ?cmlyanov, V. A. Somenkov, and
N. A. Chcrnoplckoy.....................................
Rotational Mobillty of Crystallltes in Oriented Kapron (Polycaprolactam).
Vr. S. Kukscnko, S. Nlzamidinov, and A. I. Slutskcr................
Effcct of an Electrostatic Field on thc Amplitudę Dependcnce of Internal Friction in I.iF. A. A. PliŁtanoy, A. N. Pavlovt Ya. M. Soifer, and
M. P. ShaskoPskaya....................................
Slructurc of the Electronic Energy Spectrum in Nonpolar Liąuids.
R. H. P )gonad7.c, A. M. Kuznetsoy, and A. A. Chęrnenko............
Crystal Fidd Parametcrs of Trigonal Er** Centers in CaF2 Crystals.
G. M. 2,vercv and A. I. Smirnoy.............................
Dircct Oi>scrvation of Scrcw Dislocatłons Perpcndicular to the Surface of
Singlo-Crystal Silicon. L. N. Danil'chuk and V. I. Nikitcnko.........
The Pinch Effect and Currcnt Breakdown in Electron-Hole Plasma.
A. E. Stcfanovich......................................
Intcraction betwcen Radiations Defccts and Dislocations in Germanium.
V. V. ;<hainovskaya and L. S. Smirnoy........................
EPR Invcst:ga.*on of Mn:*-S|“ in Sodium Chloridc Crystals. M. 1. KornfePd
and Yu. N. Toiparoy....................................
Magncloclastic Intcraction in Antifcrromagnets. V. G. Bar'yakhtar and
V. V. Gann ..........................................
Elcctron-Phonon Intcraction Model in Solid-Statc Laser Theory. Nonlinear Polarization of the Impurity Center. E. D. Trifonoy, A. S. Troshln.
and £. E. Fradkin.................................. ....
llyporfine Structurc of EPR Spectra of Rarc-Earth lons in Glasses.
T. S, APtshulcr.......................................
Rclaiionship betwcen thc Damagc of Ruby Crystals during Laser Emission and thc Optical Ilomogcncity. E. M, Akulcnok, V. S. Papkoy, and
V. Ya. Khaimov-Malłkov.................................
Po’aron Mcchanism of I.ight Absorption in Rutilc Crystals (TiOj).
V. X. Bogomoloy, E. K. Kudinoy, D. N. Mirlin, and Yu. A. Firsov......
Influenco of a Mugr.ctic Field on thc Thermal ConductWity of a Ferrodlelectric
at l.»>w Temp. tures. V- N. Kashchecy and A. E. Shvets...........
Inclastic Reflcction of Plasma Wovea from a Metal Boundary. M. A. Mckhtiey
Mechanical Twinning in Indium Antimonidc and Germanium. F. L. SdePman . Conditions for Fcrromagnelic Rcaonanco in Single-Cryatal Fllmt.
V. A. Ignatchcnko and G. I. Rusov...................I........
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