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Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR - Physical Serie*
Vol. 31, No. 1 - January 1967
Table of Contents
Orlg. Trans
Transactiona of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear Spectroecopy
and Nuclear Strućturę
Some recent developments ln nuclear spectroecopy at Chalk River -
Gamma-vibrational States in Re and Re ° - K.Uaack Bisgard,
L. J.Nielsen, E.Stabell fc E.YeJe 18 28
In-beam spectroscopic studies of neutron-deficient nuclel of osniua,
platinum and mercury - G.Burdę, R.M.Diamond li F.S.Stephena 21 31
Possible cases of parity raixing ln electromagnetic transitions -
G.Scharff-Goldhaber & M.McKeown 32 •*
Limits of lepton conservlng and lepton non-conserving double beta
decay in Ca4® - E. der Mateosian li M.Goldhaber 34 **
Analysis of the moments of inertia of odd-odd nuclel -
G. Scharff-Goldhaber li K.Takahashl 38 42
Single-partlcle and vibratlonal States of the odd-A deformed nuclel
in the rare-earth region - C.W.Reich li M.E.Bunker 42 46
Magnetic moments of the 4* rotational States ln deformed nuclel -
The beta- and gamma-vibrational banda in 152Sm and 154Gd - Liu Y-t,
O.B.Nielsen, P.Salllng 8* O.Skilbreld 63 69
Pure-Fermi beta transitions with £T ■ 1: The decay of 15®Eu to an
excited 0+ state - P.G.Hansen, H.Ł.Nielsen k K.Wilsky 68 74
Studies of the energy levels of 2®®U by lnelastic acattering of
neutrons and deuterons - A.T.G.Ferguson 74 80
Charge of the recoil atoms accompanylng alpha enlsslon - N.Perrln
The level scheme of 223Ra - C.Vleu, C.Brlancon, G.Bastin, F.C.Leang,
Lifetlmes of the flrst exclted States in Sni18 and Sn1,20 by the nuclear gamma-ray resonance method - B.Hrastnik, Y.Knapp k
The (n,p) and (n,d) reactlons on calcium at 14.4 M*V -
B.Antolkovlć li D.MilJanlć 105 103
Interaction of 14.4 MeV neutrons with N14 - B.Antolković, O.Paić,
The Heidelberg high-resolutlon 0-ray spectrometer -
Apparatus for measuring spectra of radloisotopes with half-live*
from one second down to a milllsecond - R.8.Bender, I.R,
117 ••
Williams * K.S.Toth
Xnvestigatlon of the radlation from 145Eu - N.Adam, K.Wilsky,
Zh.Zh*l*v, U.Jorgensen, II.Krlvopustov, Y.Kusnetsow, O.B.
Nielsen li M.Finger 123 114
On the probabilitles of transitions between the 5/2” [532] and
3/2* [411] States ot 152Tb, 157Tfc, iaaTb and la5lu - A. lokal
li J.Zvolsky • / 133 125
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