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Bulletln of th® Acadenry ot Science® ot the USSR - Fhyslcal Serie®
Vol. 31, No. 2 - February 1967
Tabl® ot Co n tan ta
Orig. Trans
Transactions ot th® Slxteenth Annual Conferonce on Nuclear Spectroscopy
and Nucitar 8trućtur®
(Concluded fron Vol. 30, No®. 3, 7, 81 12 and Vol. 31, No. 1)
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(Contd) |
Co na tan ta characterizing th© proportles ot 16dTto - B.8.Dzhelepov L G.F. Drani tsyna
Elaatlc and lnelastic acattoring ot pro tona on 14®Sm, 154Sa and 174yb - A.B.Kurepin, B.Madaon k B.Elbek Colncldences of conversion ©lectron® ln th® decay of 165Ta - 5.S.
Dzhelepov, P.A.Tlahkin L I.A.Shish©lov Isospln dependenc© of th© nuclear po ten tlał fron data on total neutron erosa section® ot itotopee - Yu.V.Dukar®vlch, A.N.
Dyumin k D.M.Kaminker
Reaonanc© parameters ln th© caa® of a potentlal wlth a atrongly dlffuaed boundary - V.A.Serg®ev
Nonradlatlv© nucieon tranaltlona ln th® process of nucloar flsalon -P.A.Cherdantsey k Y.E.Marshalkin
The problea of two "extra" nucleons a® a apeclal cas® of th® thr«®-body problea - Y.A.Zhaallo, S.N.Gomatko L S.V.Zhlkhar®va A slow-fast colncldenc® Circuit for aeaaurlng angular corrolatlona -G.A.Kosinoy, Yu.A.Kuyun li O.F.Nemets Characterlstics of yarylng field aagnetlc apectrometera - N.I.Tarantln Us© of a gernanlua counter to det®ct gama raya fron lnelastic neutron scatterlng - R.M.Musa®lyan li V.I.Popov Concerning defects ln Silicon P-l-n detoctors - Ł.G.Yuske®ell®va Apparatus for studylng th® strlpplng reactlon wlth poi ar 1 red deuterons - L.S.Saltykoy
Concerning th® background of acddental colncldences ln corr®latlon neasurements wlth a cyclotron - E.A.Galkln, G.A.Soslnow, Yu.A.
Kuyun, I.O.Lagutln, O.r.Neneta, M.V.Sokolov k B.O.Strushko Srperiaental lnv«stlgatlon of rosonanc® acattering of 1-2 M®V
neutrons on iron nud®l - A.0.Gua®lnov, V.V.0rlov, V.l.Popov, A.P.Suvorov li V.I.Txykova
Investlgation of th® radlatlon froa th® lridiua fractlon froa proton bombarded gold - G.Z.Sychlkoy, V.R.Burmlstrov, I.8.Vodolashskąya, O.O.Koyrigln L A.F.Novogorodov
Znv«stlgation by th® ®-y colncldenc® aethod of th® l®v®ls ln 150Sm ®xdt®d ln th® (n,y) reactlon - L.I.Govor k V.A.Ivanov Bota radlatlon® froa 38I, 38 ■* and 52V and th® gama radlatlon emitted lncident to alpha-partlcl® boobardaent of ^Au -S.S.Vasll*®v, S.T.Oeorge A L.Ya.Shavtvalov Quadrupol® aoaenta of d®fora®d nud®l - l.I.Berlovlch k Yu.N.Novikov Fluctuatlon analysls of the ®xdtatlon functlona for th® <p,p') and (p.O) reactlon® on Al27 st a proton ®n®rgy of 6.4 M®V - 8.3.
Vasll'®v, T.N.Mlkhal«va k 0.L.Chuprunoy
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