A. F. Golubontacv and L. M. Minkln: Młnimizatlon of thc TWT Noise Figurę
for Continuous Currcnt Settling Along the Slow-Wave System...... ........ 1400
Yu. 1\ Yoloshchcnko: Contribution to the Thcory of Traveling-Wave Amplifiers .... 1403
L. Ya. Mogilovskaya, N.Z. Shvarts and V.S. Etkin: Stability Analysis of Tunnel
Diodo Amplifiers .......................................... 1406
L.S. Libcrman and V.A. Shpirt: General Case of a Switchlng or a Limlting Diodę In
a Transmission Linę ....................................... 1409
Ya.A. Monosov: Sclf-Rcduction of Gain in a Ferrite Microwave Ampllfier........ 1412
A. E. Sakharov and V. M. Turevskiy: Quantum Paramagnetic Ampllfier for the
Dccimeter Region.......................................... 1414
V. P. Ycplfanov, I. P. Mazan1 ko and N.G. Yaroshenko: The Build-Up and Stability of
Oscillatlons in a Neon-liclium Laser ............................. 1416
G. F. Yukhmanov: Transistor Pulse Generator With Delayed Fecdback........... 1419
E.G. Melikyan: Germanium Point-Contact Diodę with N-Type Negative Reslstanc* . . 1422
B. Ch. Dyubua, L.A. Ycrmolayev, Ye. P. Yesanlov, I. P. Starodubov and L. P.
Yakimcnko: The Electron Emission of Pt-Ba, Pd-Ba, Rh-Ba and Au-Ba
Alloya.................................................. 1424
L.S. Gasanov: The Effect of Semiconductor Thickness on the Modulation of Surface
Conductivity by an External Field................................ 1425
ERRATA.................................................... 1428
With the exception of certain trigonometric and hyperbolic functlons, Soviet mathematical symbols are the same as those encountered in the American literaturę. For the reader's convenience a list of such excep-tions and their American equlvalents is given below.
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