of the ninth century A. D. ” (2.189).



In 1003 King SrI-Cudamani-varma-deva sent two envoys to China and informcd the Emperor that a Buddhist sanetuary had been erected to pray for his long life.


In 1008 Sr! - MSravijaya sent three envoys to the Sung Emperor of China with tribute (Majumdar 1936:1.169).

The Great Leiden Charter issucd by Cola king Rajendra I (1014-44) dcscribes the King of Srivisaya, whose sovereignty extended as far as Kat&ha, as a descendant of the Śailendra dynasty (El.22.229, 282). The King is referred to as:

/ /

(1) Sailcndra-varhśa-sambhutena Snvisay-SdhipatinS Katah-Sdhipatyam atamata.... (Sanskrit portion, lines 80-81).

(2-3) Katah - Sdhipati (ibid., lines 90,100).

(4) Kidaratt - araiyan (Tamil portion, linę 6).

(5-6) Kadaratt araiyan (ibid., lines 13,200).

9    9

The Sailcndra King of Srivisaya had extended his kingdom as far as

Kalaha (var. Kadara, Kielara) or Kcdah in Malaysia.


The Sanskrit inscription rcads :    Sailcndra-vamśa-sambhutena

Sri\ isay' - Md hi] m t in$ Katah - Hdhipatyam atanvat&.... CuJamanivarmmanah putrena śn - Maravijayottuńgavarmmana sva-pitur nnamna nirmmapitam adhankrita

-    Kanakapiri - sarnunnati - vibhavam atiramanfyan Culamanivarmma-vihfiram adhivasatc Duddhaya “ Rajaraja gave, in the twenty - first year of his universal sovereignty, to the Buddha residing in the surpassingly beautiful C0lamanivarma

-    vih5ra, of (such) high lofliness (as had) belittlcd the Kanakagiri (i.e., Mcru), whieh had bcen built in the name of his falher, by the glorious Maravijayottuhgavarmman, who, by the greatness of his wisdom, had conquered the teaehcr of the gods, who was the sun to the lotus-foresl, viz. the leamed men, who was the Kalpa-tree to supplicants, who was born in the Sailcndra Family, who was the lord of the Srivisaya (country), who was conducting the rulc of Kalaha, (and) who was the son of Culamanivarminan that had mastered all staiccraft at NSgapattinam, dclightful (on account of) many a tempie, rest-house, watershed, and plcasure garden and brilliant with arrays of various kinds of mansions, (situated) in the division callcd Pattanakurra (included) in the big group of dislricts named Kshalriyaśikhamani-valanadu, which was the forehead-mark of the whole earth.** (El. 22.257).

The conslruction of the vihira at Nfigapatlinam was slarted by Cudamanivarman (as we know from the Tamil) and eomplcled by his son


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