(xiii)    Figurę of Agastya in the D3lavay AgrahSram plales of Varatungarama P3ndya of Saka Saihvat 1504.30

(xiv)    Słone image at Air8vateśvara Tempie at Darasuram.

4.2. Scholars have referred to and published photographs of the images of Agastya coming from Nataraja Tempie, Chidambaram, KailSsanSlha Tempie, Kanchipuram, Vedaranyam and Nallur. It is, however, observed that some of the other images whose photos are available with the Archaeologieal Dept, Southern Circle, have not been commented upon and published so far. Hence it is proposed to make a brief study of these images, reproducing also the concemed photographs oblained from the Archaeologieal Deptt. as under:

(i)    Stone image of Agastya - Punjai, Tanjore Dt. (PI. I). This image is a fairly good presentalion of the iconographic features attributed to Agastya. Here Agastya is seated with his left leg folded up and right leg lowered down. He kceps a kamandalu in his left hand and has a jńSnamudrS with his right hand, closing also his eyes. He wears yajńopavTta and has garlands round his ncck, apparently rudraksamSlS. He has a dwarfish portrayal with stout features. He has a beard and matted loeks of hair tied in an arlistic way. He wears armlets round his arms. Two disciples are shown on eilher side at the top. As a contrast to this, the image found in the Kail&san8tha Tempie at Kancipuram has four disciples. In the Kail3san3tha Tempie Image, Agastya is shown as seated with the right leg folded and left leg lowered down. The image at Chidambaram, is also reproduced herein for a comparalive study.

(ii)    Słone image of Agastya, Tirunaraiyur, Tanjore District (PI. II, A). This image has similar features as nolieed in the case of Punjai Tempie image describcd above. The figurę would, however, appear to, be a liltle larger in proportions. There is a canopy over the head and two disciples are shown as seated down below on either side of the niche.

(iii)    Drawing of stone image at Konerirajapuram Agastya is here seated with left leg folded and right leg lowered in a cinmudrś posturę. The protubcrance of the bclly is morę pronounced. He wears a katisulra and yajńopavTta. Other characteristics such as rudrSksamSJS, beard and jatSmukuta are present. The ear lobes are, however, shown long drawn.


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