246 C. V. TACARE
The VR and Mahapuranas
The Mahipurinas are not directly łnlerested in the Rama story, as thcir emphasis on thc five characteristic features [Pańca Laksanas ), shows:
They are intcresled in the description of the evolution and invoiution of thc universe, Manvantaras and stories of gods and sages and it was the last part “Dynasties of Kings" wherein the Rama legend has some scopc
of being mentioned. Out of the 20 Mahipurinas which include the controversial
Siva Purina and the De\f BhSgavata and a few UpapurSnas like Nrsirhha and Harivamia, the supplcment of the MahSbhSrata, I found that the Matsya and MSrkandćya do not menlion the Rama episode. Some others like BrahmSnda (ni.77.91 -92), in the list of dynasties of kings, menlion Rama as the son
of Da&aratha and/or the killer of RSvana. The Harivarhia and oldcr PurSnas
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do not menlion RSma-bhakti (dcvotion to RSma). In the older parts of VR itsclf, Rama dcclares himsclf to be a man, son of Daśaratha. But probably by 100 B.C. Rama camc to be induded in thc A\atSras of Visnu. For examplef MBh. Vana. 147.31 States.
We find such rcfcrcnces in thc Śanli. (200.4, 325.78)-Svargarohana Parva (6.23). In thc list of AvatSras of Visnu givcn in old PurSnas like the VSyu (D. 36.91), Visnu . (1.9.143-144). BrahmSnda, Harisarhśa we find RSma is induded, as an Ava(Sra. Iconogrpahic instructions aboul RSma-idol in Visnu-dharmollara (3.85.62) (5lh cent.), Varahamihira’s BrhatsarhhitS (58.30) (6th cent).) show that the concept of Rama as an Avalara of Visnu was already currcnt long before 5lh cent. A.D. VR menlions al many places RSma was an Avatara of Visnu. For caample alter Rama’s confession of being only a man at the time of Slta’s fire-ordcal, gods like BrahmS and others tell him to be an AvatSra of Visnu and Sita is thc incamation of LaksmT (Yuddha. 117.27).
The menlion of Krsna is interesting :
With the inclusion of Rama as an AvatSra of Visnu in the early centuries of thc Christian era, we find some PurSnas giving a brief sketch of his lite in the list of the Avataras of Visnu:
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For examp!e, the Agni. Chs. 5-11.
The Purina States that it follows Yilmllci Rfimayana as adviscd to him