Ho\d (.fena &. Alpha Tau Omega fraterniły and !.«ada Krufioaski oł \lpha t.amma Della soronly disco damę In iashions from (arbondale merchanLs for the Inlerdireek Fashkm Skos*, held Moodai. Pioceeds from the łhow nUl go lowarda Ihe purchase ot nen Saluki Band uniforms. fStaff photoby Mikę (.ibboos)

Student tests new tool designed to improve speech problems

II* r^nM Zii

Ar Sil' student ta te*ting * rr\olutionary new roni drsigrwd t« help peop> »iih speech problem* commumcste

Mar* Ann Mer* hen. • *»ctim ot ceretMl p«L*y. is.estmg Auto-rom a computmied uourd ihat fits acrm* the front of her »heełoh*ir and sil* on het armreata

Merchen. a freshman from r>an*iUe. makea a messugr fiest* on a display a( the fron* J ihe Aia«> ("om by tourhing corted »quere* «.'• rop ot ihe bnard with a magnet She ran choose lełter*. cmnmor. »ords cocnmoo scntenoe*. C* numbers Irrnn the display

Merchen sard her AirtoCom a useful for talki, g to people she dnen not kitów and in talking to in*< rur tors

"H gł*e» me confidrnre ta talk to

people " *he said Kvrn fhi^h Mfiihm has th* Auto < om sne tnea to talk verhall* as murh » pass,Ne hhe rew** to thc Autor om oni* »hcn people do i uwdecstand hcr t rrrhal Fala* » a disami *, mat resulr* from hram rtamsee either belore ar afłer Nc.N It u«uall> alferta either Ihe motor ar speech cjpabiMiee of a person

Anat her *alue t4 ihe AutoCom u the tickit tape funrttan Mmtem said this funciion is *al«:abie hecause she ran do much of her homewort on lickrr tape The tape n a tang. thm strip ot paprr that romes out from the frrn» of the hoard if Merchen cbuuae*

• Same teachers take m> '.ort on tfce tape." she said She said Ihe AutaCom is useful e*en far cla**e* m nhich an imłructor doe» not accept the %ork

on tape hecause she ran <k» the surk nn tape and ha* e somennr copy it |(«

Brandt toasted al dinner, achierements recognized

Feen thnugh the Auto i 'om is r*.: espected tn ne on the market un' nrst vear Merchen h>» had hcr un • for almnsl t*o ycara

Merchen *<4 the AutoCom uber Tracę. a mmmumritmn organualion at the fmsersity „• Wiscor*»in uhirh deieloped t‘. Auto < “'n. hrouiiht one of 4. espenmmtal model* to the lllinmt ( hildreo s Mospital m Chirag.-vhere Merchen »u a student She said oeopłe >iih nea Kira* for producta for the handlempped ofler vmt the school oeia-ise propie a uh nuni different handicap* are ihere The AuUv< um aorted aell at the hoapt«! 00 Merchen hm«ght it m:h her w hen she camr to Ml iast year Merchen »atd before »he goi the AutnCom she had to tHI people (o antę ahen she tfcd homeaork If the> did not uncerstand she had 10 point to letfers attarhed to the top .<f a homt <(i«.ir alphahet board Alpha bel boarrfe are currently used to commumcate by many proplf aith speech impatrmenu

Rec)v!ing industry gets credit for scrap metal

R% John «inniH \P Ru* urn Inilnl

NKH \i»RK AP* - .Aft*r grtcmg fwrdly j m rap id he-lp loc %#-•••*. che w>rfi.tg mJustr> m ot from » •mtgrr+s thn war an    IO

pr-rrt ti ca« crrm« for thp pvrrti«jr id rquipmml "A ma>or e%m; if njkJ

Pe^i propłr %ił|| 6r imprrwd b> :h^ innnumTmfni    f e%

[e«ęlf M\tnć the ^CereoCypical

recM-lmie. which i> lo *ay thenr ihinh id it *s thr ir^sh or *a>tc »*r m r*p ir«hi%ir>

Hu* lunę* arr rh^nging Anti iTMMsurc* jrr patnuic • «in^r\Htiunaindm\ironment4iliAm »r Knrr^y x^\inic n a Mirvival

Mi ipiru: U» houirn-r forriRn

;w.\n>r.>ls 19 all Amrru^n

Thr nijiSinn indastr> e*c*b in »ł*i arras

K«v>i łrrl meUl9 nften •    to

:h.in mn|\ mmed orr lo prm^-sA iJinR ItmiU :he drpfetion of •.•a m«itrriaL^ It > mrr*\ in *!.r rtanufat lurmji prcnrss It rhr nrrd for ra^ materuLs


li tn«k th»-; (ombmatior ai r.iok-nis fcw rx\-\tUng to Ram the •iKptvMbiIit> u thinks it -rves K\rn nom. thr pnmary uxhjs(r»es rfljoj depletion aIlo*am *-s ard tter capiUl Ram.^ bmefiU Hut 5uy% MJ Mtghdoll. a S»Ae»man for thr recyclm. thr additional 10 percent tax credit for thc pu^ctiA^e o# ree>ci.ng rqu»pmrnf hringinR thr lot aj to 20 perce nt -1 major step in thr riRht <brrct*on

• *b% io*js! *. sa>s Mijthdoll, ••\ecutive v» • presidrnt ot thr \ai#e*ul Assok\at*on ut Recyclm* li>dt*!nr». 1 onRress had thr eond M*n!%r to rrabre Chat recycbng 9 •uerR> 1 onserMtKB attnbuiem are inipmsivr

Bi ( ahrersRi Nem* .Arnice Some 120 area business, inlustna). cinc. govemment and la bor leaders toosted SIT Presidrnt Warren W Brandt and his famil> at a reo^nitłon dmnrr Monday mght at thr Marion Hofiday Inc

Harry I. t risp II. presidrik e4 »hr Marmn Pe|.*i Cola BotIling Co and chairmon al thc dmnrr. sa.d it aas hcld to recognuc Brandt s "cifilribulions to Southcr.i Illinois and tle stabk kadership he has brougf j to SIT "

The e\ent also marked a ••presi irntial birthday." s««d dinne* speaker Viremia Marmadt*kc Fhnckneys.lłe Brandt becanie SIL"# chief esec»ri*e Ikc I. IlDi "SlabK ts the nome ot Warren Bcandl s gamę." said Marmaduke. lormrr Chicago newspapeoroman and a member of Southern’s ( ocrmumty / mbasnadar a corpa *‘l can say he has never swer*ed from hts slrad* >un.**

Rep Paul Simon «Pi of Carbondale. unaMe lo altend

H* his cakulatmns the u>r o( recycled lead and urn-. u»:eod of primary ore. culs W percent trom tfu1 energł needłd lo process The sasing li» paprr n»a> be To for nyper *7. aluminum up lo M

prrvrn* ..    Speech rhairman

The rashsu tingv ire perflapn ieos • rll documenied. b>U the facl that recycled materiał* offer com petition. and an optron. to ra» materiałs. »hose pocę* generaliy are ruirg fast. has the autNml* ulogie

hecause nt a House caucus sent * messagr 10 ( nsp Warren Brandt has im« un-r ist a caretaker of So«4hern llluo* l ni wenty he has been a leader.' Se arołe ile has prmided solid, suhstanlial ternce. tn large part hecause his desisions have been guided S> his inna te good (sentnon senae "

Cnsp headed a M per*on committee that srranged the recngnition He presented the Brandt* with a ptaque from the grosip that said wmpły "To Warren and Ksther. m recogmtton at your tuninhutiona- From yo«» fnend* m Southern lllinoł* "

Brandt a pa ren ls. Mr and Mn Fdg»: Brandt at (arbondale. also attended

Legislator* pcesent n»re Rep Vmr* W P Biriii^er ■ I*•. Chester. Rep Bruce L ftiehmond «D». Murphyłlioru Rep K-rhardO Hart 'LU ot Benton Rep William L Harris «!»•. Marior. Rep -elect Jamo* F Rea ot Chnstopher and Se»' (>oe Johns • I» • of Ma non

Thr m\«runmfTiUl «irjeummt ts r\i(lr.nf to in\imr mho \»r** thr UHNiRhih and ćasUy lutrr m -. ans m marratioraJ arr«< Sitl| fhrv ha%r \ «łur m manuUiturr and m L.ikI-i/*a«r as urll

Afrrt to opporttButie*. as anv undrrd-i* wouid br. thr asjuriatKwi rrlatrs hem it coits morr than U*» to cnlk-ct a tmi cd »*«r in urban arras and n*<cr tiwr SIO to prxxrv» *nd piaiT it in a iandftł)

B> m>d or. it conttnur* thrsr rustji can br tut. »hi! prrhaps far morr miportant .0 thr>r days of fYopoaitłon U is that rroclmg •oflrrs thr prospr%'t of land rrsmurt. tm tasfs **

writfs articles for safetv magazine

A srnrs of artK*lrs mnttm m ct«nmunKation> r\prrt at Ml f<r a National Safrfy t oumil \Sf* nuiga/jiir Kas found a nw audtrmr hall '•ay aruund thr mickj Thr 12 parł sc nr* h\ Kdaani L Mctflunr. chairman of thr drpartmmt    of    sprrch

nanmunicairori. «i« dr%igrv*d ir» Nrtpdrtms.\r drrving mstrut tirs do a t*M. r i<%6 m thr cla^sroom iintrulck l ha\r Iritrd thr hinls «o arii Ihat ihr dirrt tnr of Nro Zr*łanu * itrfrn.Mtr l>n\init i nuncil has ani;rd prrmiss on to use Ihr rntirr sr* of annrU* in Ihat t-nunfry s mstiucimn pr atram Artn lrs dral mith <m h tc^ua «a iofilrulltnjt stagr Iright and dr\rlupirvg thr >praking %oicr

The 6th Annual S.I.U. Christmas Party
The Cubby-Bear Lounge
1059 W. Addison, Chicago Dcc. 2 3rd 9:00 pm to 3:00 am

Un€i*r New^onojemtnf

Buffalo Bob's

open Priday

at 4 00 p rn


A// m,xed drinks



( Al I II S



Cover $1.50

Friday and Saturday 11 p.m.-4 a.m.

onOId Rt. 13 Near Murphysboro

I? Doiły Fgypfion Otcambtr 7 1978

•    • i i • t v‘ >




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