Maili clinic offers remediaI lielp for stiulents n iw liare maili prohlems

Rł 1'wlwiky Nm Maihematics próbabły mil hr one of Danny Jones' faeorte

Mjhjrcta. In fad it'a brea onhr withm thr last (nr wtria that math has esciprd Dannys "Leaat-Favan«r Subjecta" Hat The Carbundate Common^y High School aophomore saya he‘» aclualły enjoyinf ii-wmewhaC’ lho-® days

Jones' ncw outlook te sorneOaog hr sharo with etgM ether arei studenta w ho are ciirratty enrolted

in the Sil* .Math Chiac The dmie ta one ot mly foor univrnily baied maihematics cłmics of fenng hełp to youngsters baving problem* with the subject Olhrrs arr at Aruona State l't<iver*ity. the l:niver»ity of •'aryland and the l!nivemity at :outh Kkruła. acconhng to Janet Sci.wer. clmic dirrctar and asaistanf prnfcaaor in the College oI

Education. which sponsora the program.

Scheer aaid the diuk has two purposes: To offer remedia! hdp to area youngsters and to give edoestran studenta a cha ner to practice what Iheyre tearrung m the rłasaranm

Sehecr aatd comptetr tmpśttmm tn attitudea a rent unuaual (ar clnac youngsters

**A student'* atbtudes toward mathrmatica--or moat any subject. for that matter-are largely cteprndmt on how that student a performing." aaid Scheer.

•Tl ta not unromman to we ktds change markedly o ner they'vc gamrd same confidrnce." she wid

Jones agrees

"Math may me be one o' my hetter suhject* yet. but it ts definrlly no tengrr al the bot tom of the list." hr aaid "Cer broughl m> gradr ui mathrmatica up (rum a ('plus to a

Upłus sińce coming to the ctiwc. and I m hrgmnmg to mycy it."

The help young Jones has recemrd has ma bied him bo catrh up on srhoolwork hes mtsaed dur to tUnrsa this school year. aaid hta mother. Mrs Jenny Jones.

*Tm absoluteły dŃHighifd with Ihe results." ahr aaid "Hta on ty reał weakness in school has been mathematics. and that was caused mamly by hta tmssmg i M ot Ihr work whrn he was tli Hes not orły ahown improvement grade-wtae. but hot tełf-corrfidrnce has rmprewed markedly.*’

Joora. Iike all studenta attending the clmic. apenda two evmmgs a wrek with a cli. -cian asnignrd to him for thr aemrster Tog elhrr they work on drlinmg specific srakmwł and orrecłing thrm

“We administer a senes ot diagnost - teata at the begmmng to grt at the root ot each atudmt a nrnh*rm« ** »(i'H ^horr

New infant hearing test (!eveloped

By t m*er»ity Newa Smlrt

An athlioi<gv researcher at SIU Igi ramę up with a way to usr rtectncity gmrratrd by thr human body to serem nrw bom infanta lor hnrdrrlinr hranng kswes

Karły dr ter non of hranng lossrs ■n infanta t$ crurial m order to hełp them awnd later difficultirs in Ir.irnmg to speak and rrad,

according to Mteharl Hoshiko. a prolrssor in the departmrnt ot speech palhology and audtology

"Whenchikirencan t he.ir clearly whats gmng on arnund '.hr their languagr devełopmmt ta wuntrd." Hushiko aaid

Hoahikoa screetwng mHhod usea the body a imnluntary rractiora to outstde Mimuti to aidrstrp a major diflrculty »n lestmg ' rr> %<ung

do fuli scalę tnala with areeral infanta He a applird to the Deefnms

Resrarch Foundation and the ferferal i Ufice of Kuucation a Bureau

on Kduratmn for the Handieapprd for grant money to buikf morę

equjpmmt and aet up a leatmg program

. umver/ily book/iore9


v«luki    M pro.

Mudrnl i mirr Hnfti*n Room PKO Krrcphm and [hnnrr. 4 *► :I p m Sludrnł Ontrr i',h\tory I kkunasr #:.d Hallmnm R \lpha Kdp(vj Alpha Dancr III D y    Studrnl CrMff Bi* Mu<kty

TN* Kim IncMoafont Art Shmi “ IhNpijv isfeond floor. Studni ( mirr

••raduatr łVr\im Kxhibft MFA t andidalr^. MilchHI <;allery. 10 . m 3 p m . wrrkdayu

(•uatrmalan Trttik^ hxhtbt(. Kanrr 4»alkr>. 10 a m A p m wrrfcdays. I    JO p m .

łlanf and Sod Snów. mrrtinp.

7 JOf Jop m . Studrat Center Ohio Hoom

Craduatr Tounal. mmtm*. 0-11 p m . Sruómt ( -nler Mtasappi Knom

Sailtng Owb. meetmg. %\% p m l jwson m

Christiana Unhnitcd. neetmg l+Tl a m . Studrat Center Actieity

Knom C

Society for Crrahre Anachroniam. mreUng. t-10 p m . Student Center Actieity Room C.

Korestry Oub meetmg. 7 30-lft p m . l^wsor 151

Canoe and Kayak Club. meetmg 7d p m . Pulliam Pn«

Arnold Air Society. meetmg. ( 30-9 p m . Student Center Mtssosippi Koom

infanta In most hearing te^fa. Ihe suhject mmfhoa haa to tell the trat er whrn he or «br hrara a trat tonę. and a nrwhnm infant rant do Ihia Standard teata lor infant hranng Ina.a4*> n>ve uscd ihe hab> a aocalkd "atartlr rrfW" whrn thr chi Id hcars an unraprclrd mnar. he yimpa

Othrr infant hranng trata arr availablr. but thry‘re rxpmstv# and compticatrd to admimstrr

Hoshiko ta eiperimmting with the "nnmtatKin rraponae” to bndge the gap between what the ha by ran henr and what becansay The respoose is the bram a effon to fmd out morę about new stimuli by makmg vanous parła nf the body moce wn*ilivf Whenthia happrna there ts a slighl tempurary merease in ełrctncal activity alortg thr body‘a ■me patfiway*

With nrwiy deeełoprd sołid-state ampłifiers. this etectncai actieity can be drtertrd an thr surfacr of the skin Horhiko will place tmy rłectrodrs on aa infant s band and by aoundmg a 30-decrbH test tane will be abłe. he saya. to tap thta etectncai resporae and measure it Vanabona tn the measurements ot the etectncai strength will mdK-ate wtwther or not the baby hrara tbe tonę Limited trsting has coflinced him the lrchroque will work

Hoshiko emphaaires that hła screemng mełhod an t destgnrd ts Aagnaw specific hranng problema It a anły meant to fmd os*, if a problem eusti

Wbite Hoshiko a te*t a still m the esprnmental siatę, he s aurmbted «*ł*spm«rrt prokotypes and hopes to


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I\'(T. meetmg. nooo-t p m . Student Center Artnnty Room Koom C Social Sennce Wortrrs. meetmg. 3-3 p m . Home KcecMnuc 20t Rrcreatwn cłub. free session on Cmsv<'ountry skitng. 7-( p m . Student Center Mackmaw Room Demal HygicfltaU. aieKuig. 7-l» p m . Home Economics Lounge. SGAC Klimt Committee. “It Happened One Night.” 7 and t p m . Student Center Audrtonum. admission 75 centa Geotogy (lub. speaker. C. Frank. “Gema." nooo-t p m. student Center Ulinow Koom Hellenie Student Assoeiation. meetmg. 7-9 p m . Student Center Activity Room B

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