to get $22
It said that the Department of Correctlons and tne Department of Menial Health serse the same numt»er of clients - ahout 22.0«Xi But the report said men tal health gets about three limes as much as corrections in State operat ing funds
The committee reromm»nded 43 steps to impnne the pnsons system mcludmg pnssihte furthrr pay increases for many pnson employees. imprmed security and beefed up guard trainmg. medical aemces and work programs.
The committee also recommended that the gocemor and ołher state otftcials ”seek the conversion of one of severa! und*-njtilired ivpartment ot Mcntal Health facilities ' into a pnson
Conditions in the pnson system also were criticired in early November in another report released by a special gubernator tal task force
One of the House appropnations committees apprmed a bill prosiding an extra Si3 1 millton for pnsons this fiscal year. mrhjding mooey for construction and services at Pontiac Pnson and
Bltinientlial for
H» iKffni Konkol Muff Wriler
An agreemcnt i*n the definitmn of h\ mi; -paces z( Smali Group Housing Iuin Urn reachcd b> student affairs an*! housing administratora and Greek )>rg.irma'i<«n representalnes S.«m Kinella housing direclor said Krucr Swintnime. vkt president tor siiMk-tit alfatrs. now has the prnpnsal and łt will he taken to President Harren Kra r dl lor approva) lł«m**\t*r Tom Busch. assislant to Swmburne. said be dnes not Ihink the issue will he givcn any morę attention this somoster
fi "Ining space at Smali Group Housing has been defined as the sleeping ha>. study room and recreation room Kxccpłions can be madę for special functions determined by indmdua! hnuse residenls. Dunng ihese special functions. the living and dining rooms may he considerea part of the living area Dunng special functions. the concrete patios may be used for the ronsumption ot beer and winę at the discretion of indmdual house a-sMKiations
Kinella said he would estimite that
By T. lee Hughes \ssor iated Press W liter
SPKINGFIEl.P. III AP« Nearly $22 million in cxtra money for th? State s rmfwittled pnson *vstem was apprnved Vtednesda\ by two Illinois House comimttees. anud release of still another report sUmming inadequacies in that s\stem
lx*Kislation prov.ding »he extra pnsor mooe\. alrv;>dy passed by the Senate. was appro\ed overwhelmingly by two appmpnaMons committees and sent to the Hou.-e floor
Meanwhile. a special Iłouse com niftee on pnson reform relrasrd a report that said the pnson system was underfundcd. marr-d by outdated facdities and high gi.arri riimover and plagued by insuffickmt wnrk prugrams and medical care
"Most of our prisons were ronstructed in the la«e Htuns or the early 1900 s.” said the report "Allocation ot sufficient capital funding for repair. maintenanre ano renmation has been nooexistent for the last 2*» years ”
MOSCOW iAP> - Soviet President l>eonid I Brezhnev met with two l' S Gabinet members Wednesday and cnticized 1 altempts to use trade for political pressunng." Tass reported Brezhnev received Treasury Secretary W Michael Blumenthal and Commerce Secretary Juanita M Kreps. who are here fif talks on trade and economic relations Tass. the official Soviet newrs agency. said Blumenthal and Mrs Kreps gave P e;hnev a message about trade matters from President Carter. The specific contents were not disclosed.
Earlier Wednesday. Brezhnev met for l'v hours w th W Avereil Hamman, the <7-vear-old veteran of East-West ltptamacy and ambassador to the Soviet l mon dunng the latter part of World War II.
Hamman later declared it was an 'outrage' that normal trading relations have not yet devełoped
TKIIR \N. Iran iAPi - Hundreds of l S dependenta left Iran Wednesday . joimng growing exodus of foreign workers fleeing the anti gocemment \iolence that has envek*ped the country nil production continued to tumbie heca use oł thecrippling three-day stnke t*> Iraman workers ' We re nr? taking any chances.” said on** Amencan woman as she sat in the lobby of the Tehran Hilton waitrng to go
Poch* ? Po-ly Fgyp*ion Oe<ember 7. ?978
special functions could be considered about su iimts a year for esents sucn as Parem* I)a>. Faunders I>ay. Homecoming. ac’ivation. Theta Xi and Chnstmas
Thrre »s some question as to whether this defimtinn. if apprmed by Brandt, will also ha\e to he appnned hy Ihe Board of Trustees and amendcd to the present hoard policy The Board ot Irustees policy on alcohot wa*> imhated hy iTesiornt l>av;d l>erge in 1!»?J to comply with the drirdung agr. which had just been lowered to iy at that time Granted concurrence in I9T74 and passed in 1975. the bo.ird policy States that ‘heer and w inę may be p*issessed and consumed by persom 19 years of age or ot<fer in private li\ing areas ” According to the policy. a living area ts defined as the indmdual room of the residenL not mcludmg mam loung**s. mdoor recreational areas. rnulti-rpose areas. generał TV rooms. snack rs. dimng rooms. Iibraries or grouncts surroundmg any l'mversity buiłdmg
If the defimtion of living space for Smali Group Housing is accepted as wTitten. ts may vioiate board policy
JVews ‘Briefs
to the airport - These t mu W es are getting on our nerses Wr'\e had death threats and abuse and we ve just had enough I don t know if we ll come back again ”
Meanwhile. nrliabfe sources reported that Irans political opposition leader. Kanm Sanjaby oi the National Krcnt. had been reieased from detention Wednesday evening The report gave nse to speculation that the 71 year-old Sanjaby. who was arrested No\-. 8. had been freed to help form a coalition gosemment tostem the Street violence
CHICAGO lAP) — Boom, said one expert. Bum. another Those were ecooomic predictions madę Wednesday at the annual Business Forecast Luncheoo
“The slide will start about the time the Wisconsm maples are in gionous color and the T 'inois smbeans are in bountiful supplv.” said fYofessor Walter D Fackler of the l*mversity of Chicago Economic* Department.
But Professor lrvmg Schweiger of the umversity’s business schooł argued that the ecooomy will impmve jmt before it reaches the “brmk of recession."
“...I am assuming that there wili be littie turther credit tightemng.”
Busch said he thinks the prop*»sal rna> cali for an amendmenl to the Board ot Trustees policy or it may ł>e d**alt with intemjlly If Brandt anproves the definitinń and fhe legał cour.sel says it is in complmnce with the pr«*«cnt policy. the definition could go into«ffect without an ammdmcnt. Bu>ch said He.said dis a ma ller of inlerpretation t»f R^rd policy
Smali Gro*ip Housing may have to be inra>»ied in the category of l ni.-ersity owned and cootmllrd faculty and (amily h«xising which is exempt Irom the alcohol polics.
Busch descnhed the problem as a "uniąue and conlusmg situation ' Brandt was out of town and unavailable for comment The l niversity rents rooms to indmduals »ivmg in the dorms but leases entire houses to the eight fratemities and sororities that have chapter houses at Smali Group Housing Swioburne. saud. conc^rning the defimtion. that the kunges ia the dorms are clearły public areas. while the lounges at Smali Group Housing are private arras for use oni) by U»e studcnts living there
State\*ille Prison at Joliel
lt aLo included S450 000 the committee tacked on to pay for the defense of Pontiac prisoners who may he prooecuted in connection with a -’jiy 2^ not at that prison in which three guards
^^Sore than S6 million will go to pay for higher prtscn guard salaries and hmng additsonal prison guards thmughout the prison svstem (darłeś J K»*we statr prison di r cc tor toid the committee tha» 5R2 new guards had hren hired simę summer and that "we re coming closr to bemg at fuli staff "
The mea>urr passed h> j .*2** vote despite complamts hy Hep Jonn F I >u rui. D Deca tur. that it was an aftempt by the department to take adiantnge nf the Pontiac siruation to pad iLs budget "It seems to me what we re doir.g here is wnting a hlar.k che*v :nr the peparUnent of CormMons." said Dunn The pnson funding measure approved by the other appropnations committee was for $8 6 million. much of it to he used to repair damage caused hy the not
Schweiger said "This will permit the economy to sfabilize at - slow ratę of growth in thefirst h'.it >of 1979- and then p*ck up momentu/n in the second half. asststed by special strengths in the business and hoir ehołd sec tors ” Schweiger said unemployment will nse from the curren! 5 9 percent level to 7 percent in the third quarter of 1973 He said the demami for credit will ease at about the same time
TUKYÓ «AP> — Twentv Japanese tankers camng a tocal of I 5 biilion gali ort. of Arab oil are sitting motionless m the Pacific near Iwo Jima They rc a fioatmę stockpile to help assure that the
ttirm <M uil, *iUi iu JapWlI » IDWOUJ,
doesn t dr> up
The tankers have only one order from the Japanese gosemment Siay m a 2jo miłesouare area south of Japan umil needed The nearest ship is about fitki mtlrs from Tokyo Some have been there sińce Sept 1. with their engines runmng just enough to burk ihe currents "The tanker reserve. as we cali it. uses tdle tankers and is part of the official program to i ner ease Japan s emergency otl reserve to 3u million tons <6 biilion gallons* bv year 19K5." said Kazuo Takayama. cfuef płanner of the Japan National Oil Corp Japan uses about 220 million gallons of od a day There ts not enough storage space on land to hołd the reserve»
Buscf. said that w hen the policy nr. alcohol w*> imtiatcd the Gre**k s\ster: here was declining and there *<i> doub-a> lo whether fratemities and soroitic would stay r.o the campus
At thłt limę Smali t;mup Housin* wu.srentedout tomdiviriuaLsas rmm.. ir. rtorinitones Tliere hrj to be a mag* u-, ot siud*nts hvmg m a house from .. de^ignatcd fratemity or somrily to h* cooMdered a tireek h<aa*e and lea.sed as surh
Husch said that then morę than nou fhe policy on alcohol applied to thr>s. living in the houses
Recently there has been an upsurge ... the Greek"system, and all the houses j* Smali Group Housing. other Ihar: ad ministra Mon buildings. are occupiwt by nembrrs of Greek łetter organ— tżafiona
In stasing within the limits nf th«-hoard policy. yet ailowing for M.r differences in lifestyle* at Smali (*rouf. Housing Kinella. Swinburnr. Bovn Bob Saieg. coordmator of fratemiiił^. and snronties and Kod Talbot, presidcn of Inter-Grrek Council. drew up tiir proposed policy.
Albert Einstein comniitlee holding e.ssuy compctition
The Albert Einstein Centenrj, < elebration Committee annoum Tuesday it will spumu* student ess,-. competitions m scientr. phik**iphs ^rt
Ali en In es for the competitions ir. .%• he re* ie\ed by Feb 10 The wmner'
Iw announced Marrh 2 as part »*f celebration of the l«>»th anmversar. *«t Einstein s birth A totał of lł>7.*» in pn«*> Si*** $7T> and S.*o in each ot the three categories' will he awarded Some honorable nu-ntion awards a o may be given
All entnes xhould he relatr*i ti> the works nf Einstein except art entries l»: that category sket< hes and drawmg> are requested alM«>ugh other ciratnr works aiso will t^e accepted
Two or three iacclty memhers m ea*
of those area.- wi|| act as judg*-- .ir>l essays in each category should he \~r.i f. fhe chatrman nf the respcitiw committee The science CJtegnrt chairman will be Sub*r Ikwe. as-iN.ate proiessor ot physics. Neckers 4'*« in th* area ot pbiiosoph) <aLso humamties the chairman is John Howie. avso«iałe professor af pbilow»pby. Faner Hall .ki !i The an categ^ chairman » Herher Fink. professor of art. Allyo IW
B*ith ursiergraduate and students are rligibie to porticipate An competing essays. which are to hr typewntten and no longer than 25*" words. are to be given lo the respe* ti\e committe chairman
Nobel Laureate P A M Dirac will announce the awards dunng the Mann cerem om es
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