Student to be eoiivention deleirate
Stcven*on fr**m Illinois and Edward Kennedy frjm Massachusetts. »iii be a featured 3peaker at the three-day session
she also went to the nr4 mid term
l isrhrr forms lusL force lo sarc scrriccs
Library fining decision expected soon
Prison construction protest, rejeeted
H» Mark »ter*nn
1'oliUcal Miler
\n SU student wdl (rade views wi!h łeadmg Demncrals when sh«* takes port m the I CH Dcmm-ratic N.ilion«il F*art\ i nnhrr-w as a dH-g..u* from the 24łh * bogressional Distnct. which includes Jackson County.
Barbara I.catitt Brown ont of iwo He legałes chosen hy local part* members to represent the district. said Ttłwday that the ronference delegat es *,u focus mucn of their atlenhon on formulating a rorr statement for the party s ię»RO platform, which until rrcrntly »a* a łask left up to part* elites
“Tne conventior Frida* through Surday. marks an atiempt to mcorporate the thought* and drsire* of aił party memhers into the proce** ~ said Brown, a graduale student in pohtical science “Often. m the past. the Information and Communications flow wittun the party ha* been poor ” Brown, a native of Southern Illinois, is no stranger to the fronts of partisan politic*
ln 1976. she served as an a?temate drlegate to the liemocratic convention in New iork which nommated Jimmy Carter as the party s candidate for president
Carter, along with Vice President Walter Mnndale and Senators Adlai
Bv |'im Bai»r :
Staff Wrlter
In an effort to save some of the services hurt by the continuing cuts in federal Community Development Błock Grant funda. Mayor Hans Fischer announced Monday mght the formation of a Social Servicn Task Force The task force. which will report hack to the City Council within w> aays. will im esttgate ways to transfer the services to program* with ade^uate funding and explore other possible sources of funds I^st year. the city received ti 5 million in CDBG funda.'hut this year the citv'a allotment was slashed hy $| million. said Donald Monty. assiśtant city manager for community devetopment. Anothercut of tl million is espected next year. CDBG monie* have becn one of the large^t sources of funding for the city s s^ial <**r\ices. Monty said. As a result <ń the cuts. city o-ficiab have been forced to eliminate
K\ Kas Valek Staff Writer
The I.ibrarv Affairs Advisory Committee wili try to decide at a meetmg Monday w het ber faculty and administrator?., presently enempt from pa*ing fmes on overdue library books. w iii be penalized for mtsuse of bbrary materiais
Kenneth Peterson. dean of library affairs. said Wednesday that the ad hoc Morris Library Committee on Circuiation PoiKies will presenł its recommendatmns on proposed changes in the library circuiation policy to the ad*isorv con.mittee at the meeling,
"I hope the ads isory committee will make tls recom menda tions to me at that
Sfijdenis Will have a cbance to get a good deal on a biocie *hen the Carbondale Police Department auctioos abandoned and unclaimed bikes and parts at to a m Saturday at the Community Center Buildmg. 6U7 L College
According toOfficer Marvtn \oss. 3S bicYcles. 12 bike Irame* and two mim* bikes will be auctioned The itrms have been collected over a six month penod cndmg June 1. and many of the bikes have been sitling unclaimed at the pohce Mahoń for aImost a year. Voss said
Manv of the items were found during cnme’investigations. and efforts were madę to find the owners. Vom said State law reąuire^ that ihe police hołd unclaimed merchandise for six months. he added.
eight M the n social services which rely on < DBG funds Three morę pm, rams will be trrminated hv 1979or i«m». \ijniv added
The progr^ms which have been terminated include the Career Opportunities counseting service. the Hcusing Development and Training project >an jnemployment service> and the Minuray Business Loara program The Senior Citizens. youth. and Money and Housmg Mangement program* are in their Ust years. Mon»y said As for the remaimnc services which received sutnUntiaT amounis of (DBG funds-the health and child care ,*mgrams-Monty said they will opera te on "rock* bot tom ' funding.
known the CDBG t\mń» were grvng to go down for frve year* no* and we‘ve been scheming how to make it work." Mont* e.tpUined "l'p until now we've been able tostretch things This is the first vear we rt really had to cut
time. * Peterson said
H apprmed by the committee. the recommendations must then he approved by Peterson before g»ing to Frank Horton. vice president for academic affairs and research. for «:nal approval.
Peterson said Horton raised some poinis about the policv when it was presented to him. after iwo years of re*iew. last spnng His sug^estions were considered by both committees. and the jub of commg up with new recommendalions was referred back to the ad hoc committee. he sa»d
Peterson said he did młt thmk it was appropriate to discuss w hal specdic points in the policy were bemg
By Bob Springer Associated Pres* Writer
SPR!NGF!fc'LD *AP» - Another attempt by a citizens group to WiKk coastructión of a new pnson at Centralia was rejeeted Wednesday as an Illinois Hnu.se committee refused to adopt a measure drleting Centralia from a list of state bu 1 kling projects
“1 thmk U is an irom of unspeakabte proportions the way this prison is betng rammed down the throats of people who do not want it.“ said Hep Hnscoe li Cunningham. KLawrencecille ('unmngham last year sought to have one of two propośed med 1 um secur 1 ty prisons built in Law rent. e County in southeastern Illinois lnstead. (?ov James H Thompson picked Centralia and HdUboro for the prison*. each ln house .*0 mmate* and cust an estimated $29 miibon to $35
confcreme in K.ioms City a> .1 *p»ti.il rrsearch «iviMant to John Jackson, a profesor in politnal science at Ml Brow n said rn.mv uIimt' tr> .ire preHtchng a conllict toariM* fn-łwit-n ihe liberał .ind ninderale tactions oi the puri> mer the c«>n\enlton's procedura 1 guidchnos She said liberał* will t** trYinit to ease the rerjuirements for getting a hanrt in >hapin porty is.wjc positions by reHtjcuig tfu' numtwr >>f rtelegate vote? neerird lo intn-lute utkJ pass «*si»lutions at the comention Jackson, a noted researcher in comention politics said thu«t on the surface. the i.ssue M-ems to I*- j procedural <juest’oo t*it an* confluts that emerge iii the uiipret-edenrcd oft year comention will pruł-jbly sten. irom połitical dilference*
Jackson, who will altend the conference as an ałternatr delegate said certain factions within the party appear to he unhappy with Jimmy Carter or are ill-at-ease wito the inni* presidential outlook. and hy demandm” a say in the formulatinń of a iyw> platform, they are making their feelings rnowm
Besides proce* arał reform and party direcfion. other *ssue> ,>lated for consideration by caucuses and exi:ecten tu give rise to heatrd de Im te rangi* from national heallh care imurarne to the sensitive SAI.T II negotiatinns
bard The task force u tli be rhaired by Councitwoman Helen Westberg and staffed b' Councilman Archie Jonę* City Manager Carroll Fry and Milton Maswell. ihairman of the Attmk* Community *vr\ices Board In adrótmn there will be f*o members -hosen by Fry and two me m bers chnsen by Maxwell Westberg said thi* tssk fon'"e will rneet sometime before łhnstmas
In furt)v • actinn. Fischer namrd the rollowinr sidents lo the newlv formed F.nergy Adsisory Commtssion
- Stephen Miller. 112 Bronk Lane term lo expire May l. itry
- William Mitchell. 914 \ Bndge Sł . term to exp*re May 1. 19*1
-Ctira Rotoerttie. Hm Safkup. term toexpire May 1. latu — WiUtam Kodd. 104 S. Spnnger. term to expire Mav I. 1982
-Chnsune Zeman. 9im w Mili St term to esptre Moy l. I9W» deliberated whih* the maitcr was siill in committee However. Peterson said the policy will rentatn atx»ut the same as the iwie presented to Horton last spring • The chunges are not that suhstantiye." Peterson said Bul he added that one or two point* th.it ma> be changed may be contro*ersial l nrter otlier prop<*^łls madę last spnng. facully men-bers may chcck out bonks for a 12-week period, with an indefinite number of 12-week renewals The committee recommended that ali users. including faculty. adrnimstrators. ciyiI sersice workers and students. be subje^t to the same fines for overdue. lost or mutilated library materiais.
I nder the present policy. faculty. ciyiI million to build
A House Appropnations Committee vcted 13-3 to recom mend that the fuli House reject the measure canoe ling Centralia as a site for one of ihe pnson*. lnstead of Centralia. the bill ordered siatę corrections officials to find another site for the Dnson somewhere in the norlhem third of Illinois
Sponsored by Kep Eugene M Barnes. DChicago, the bill would put the medium-security prison closer to (Tncago. from where opponents of a Southern Illinois prison say most mmates eonie
“It seems we re beating a dead horse.” said Kep. Mary Lou Kent. B* (^uinoy argumg to keep the prison m Centra*.a. The decisior s been madę "
Thompson announced Monday that the State would go ahead with ihe propośed
Bi Joe Si»h< o k Maff Writer
The Illinois Board 11'gher
Kd,.H'.i*|. Tuesilay approv«-d a re«^ue>t f>* Sil t*i creafe two new dł-gree progr.im> in engineerir.g and r»*habi|iUitmr and to reorgam/e th» Iw p.irtriM*nt of Agncultural Industries .iccordmg lo Frank Horton vice pre*:denl for aca>łemic affairs The I nnersity will add a hachelor of science degree m mining eng>ne**rtng ?o >ts engmeermg program The spe<*iali7ation tr, t«egin m ftscal \M<* I*1*' '••'l rpfjtnre m nr* śtafe
The fiscsl year hegms J:j|\ 1 jc»7V The program is designtd to pro*ide engmeermg professtonals for the coal mdiHfry in Illinois acconimg *o the Ml proposał
Thp curriculum will mełude .14 semesrer hours of specialized classes in addition 10 the basie science and engmeermg couraes required for a hachelor s degree in er.gmeenng The enurses wi|) deal primanly with geolog*, mining enginn ring science* and mining engmeermg design The addilmnal State money :s retjuested to add morę staff and lahorator* efjuipment
SI' etpecL* *4Ti undergr idu *< and 24 gradua»e student* to be e..i.*led in the program by ds fifth year of operation Kchabilitation vtu«lenLs will now have a doctoral program m the fali according to the BHK The (bicior of rehahilitation pc(<rar.i will concentrate on prepanng students for teachmg research and admmistration of program* for the disabled
The dostorate will re^mre 9K semesler hours tieyond the haccalaureate leseł and two <>r moce \ears experience in the field
In respuf.s** to a 'lepartmental res iew. ’he Department of Agncultural Industries will b>* divided into two new departments ihe Department of Agribusiness Kconomics and the I*epartment of Agncultural Lducadoe
mmi Mw wm
The program resjoest wfln W.MO tr new stale funds. miel af which will pa? for additional staff Both new departments will offer
hachelor s and master* W*\el degrees
sersice workers and courtesy *ard huiders are not asscsy.*d for o\erdue items
The recommendations madę last >pnng would also cut 'he kw»n penod for periodujls irom th<* present •*r\en days to fi*e days
The committee al>«» adxi>»i1 last spring gmr.g graduate and undergraduate students an indeftiutc numtwr of renewals although the bo«4ts ni ust ne physically presented to ’.he cirrulatinn deMi lor rencwal Ali library matenaLs would be subject '.o recali
Hor tor said any thanges could not Lakę pla«.*e sooner than next summer t>ecause computers must be reprogrammed
Centralia prison. despite community oppcwtion
(n a referendum on Nov 7. 53 percent ai Ciinum County voters voiing un il» question said they were against a new prison in their county Opposition feaders say the prison pnses a threat hecaase of its proximity lo Kaskaskia Community College, would tie up tralfic m the are a and generally disrupt ihe community s way of life.’
It was incorrectly reported tn Wednesday* Daily Egyptian that Hick Mira bile was a graduate student to rełiabilitation counsehng Mirabile is actuall* a staff member of tbe Alcohobsm Resource Center along with Nancy Logaa Both are now tnembers al the Alcohof Education Program staff
Oo»ły Egyption 7 1970 Pogt, 3