Anex nr 1 to WSSM Regulations:

Hereby I order the paragraph concerning the ECTS to be added to WSSM Regulations. On lsl October 2005 European Credit Transfer System is being introduced at the Department of International Studies and Diplomacy, for European Studies Faculty at both day and extramural studies, as the system credit transfer and accumulation. Students are oblidged to gather 180 credits at day course studies and 120 credits at extramural studies in order to graduate.

Ali subjects must be finished with a mark.

Morę information in other parts of this ECTS information package.

Part II: 1. Basic information for students

1.1    Costs of Leaying;

The costs are around 30 PLN per day (breakfast included in the room price, lunch 15 PLN, dinner 15 PLN). Students living on the campus may use a shared kitchen or one of the two cafeterias, which are open daily till 4 p.m.

Average prices of groceries and other goods in Lodź:

Bread -1.5-2 PLN, butter - 2.5 - 3.5 PLN, milk - 1.8 - 2.2 PLN, 1 kilogramme of meat 15- 20 PLN, 1 kilogramme of cheese 15-18 PLN, 1 kilogramme of fruit, vegetables - 1.5 -7 PLN, sugar 1.5 - 2.0 PLN, sweets - 2.0 - 20 PLN, juice - 2.0 - 4.5 PLN, a pack of tea -2.0 - 4.0 PLN, a pack of coffee - 6.0 - 16 PLN, a bar of soap - 1.5 - 3.0 PLN, washing powder - 4.0 - 6.0 PLN, shampoo, toothpaste- 5.0 - 10PLN, a ticket for public transport -1.10PLN (with a student discount), theatre tickets- 16 - 26 PLN, cinema tickets - 14 - 16 PLN, books - 15 -100PLN, a CD - 45 - 60PLN, stationery - up to 50PLN.

The average exchange ratę is 3.9 PLN = 1 Euro.

1.2    Accomodation/Meals:

Foreign students coming via the Socrates/Erasmus exchanges are accommodated in guest rooms in the campus. The monthly cost of accommodation is 130 Euro per place in a double room and 150 Euro for a single room (breakfast included). Each room has a bed, a table, a chair, a lamp, a wardrobe and the Internet connection. There is a shared kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a television room at the students’ disposal. Students can also use the laundrette.



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