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/Transie* i on/
?0:lov;nr the brondc^st to Po land on tTnn- *ry 6th £ the JOllon ritno Minister, .Miko! o Jeżyk, the oi.t. cni Poprosentjitlor. rnć the Kon* Dermty 1'rimc Min *ter ©f rZ ' - -‘oli8h Ocy^rn^.^nt hnvo rseni the follotfino reeprp-c. whl oh
waa reeeiwed or. Jęli ary 2*th 1944:
'?4f# rime Klrdeter* the aldrraa <V livered by yo\i to ołand on January 6th, w*b r*e«5ved by the artion ae r .-.ctv proof of u ohHnglngr unaniatty op to the t olicy pureued 'by the Govemrent of the ^eptfblic and t'»p w* ol" oUeh natleni*
The peorlo In :o^rnd are fully wre of the diffleult :nfl ■;rrve 8‘tMrtion ■ff'-4ofc cor.^Yonte uo by the entarlng of the Boriet nr-Jra or the territory of the !oli*k Repoblio without rrcYtma fltfreerwit nn* withont rraminp: by the 8oviet Ooyernnient of ncrrcel diploratic relatloca rclth the olirh Govrmment,
In-the fnco of t'vif »*r trinl* the “‘olieh ieoplc rally ronnd their Poyernnent mid under 5ta leaderaWp rre deterr-.incd to do nil thet irill be r.ocGraory to sefefnierd 7effitln«t.a righte of the PeTniblie,
The lolieh no tlen ia ^ntirely ot one with the ?oHeh OoyrrnKent ln their ondef'Vcnr& iming nt the resun>'tion ?>na eetebllehróent of rtood 7 0lphbo’.rly relntiona with ^ue. 1p. At the tnme tl e, the 1 olish r,ition 'r.aiete on ftnfi, in all ctrcuastfincea, will nalot on the ir.Yioi^bi lity of the i'ollsh Anatom bomid^rlea establlshed by t!ve Treety will insiet thstjthe Sowiet
troor;s occupying ** petem terr : torlea of the Re nhilc ret*'©ci fully the soYcrei7n r g'~ts of the Volieh ht.-tc on thesc territorles ^nd thr rlghte of lta cltlzena*
^r.elnr o\treeIvee on the hlctrricol righte cad the nphte l'id down by internet!rnnl tr?©tioa# we ^re eiitifed to escpect with coT.fidcnce thnt the ’ nited fationa, whlch figiit for freedon rnd v .nt;cc, nrd ‘rleretand * chore otit olnt of viow, - will op oee fłmly my r.ttenrrtc nt lucetlonlnfr our righta tc ».ny prrt of the t«rrltory of the i olish f.trte.
Um/avorln}?ly falthfttl to the lot-er ant opirit of the trentiea whieh bind nc to ^ur v eetorn Aliiee, we p.re flęhtinp: ^T»d will co.stirsue tc flrdit nguimt nerr.ftr.y unttl the renoen inyedere will bo cohj etoly dofoatod ^nd freedon rnd peace for TO-wid «?.nd the worl! octcb1 i^hed*-*1