
Stores beef up security fo. *, to stop holi (lny sticky'fingers

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By Patrie U A. Carter Stadni Wrłtn

Christ mas shoppi wu PTI

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by Stores dunng the Chratmas season.

While eztra stocks are placed on the *hełves. lora! Stores will also be mcreasing their security forces to combat shoplifters Paul Keeney, a security odficer at K Mart ui Cartoondale reports. "Shoplifting almost triples during Christ mas season," We beef up our security forte and w a Ich througn security Windows We work as plam ckrthesmen so we woo t be spotted by the shcptifter."

Most large cham department Stores hire and train their own aecunty (orce. They have found Mich a (orce u less costlv than condomng shoplifUng

Harold Robinson. mar-iger od Wal-Mart. esplaim, The whołe theory behmd preventinn »w;th a security force» is to comrol our shrmkage so we cankeeplhecaslsodour merchandise as Iow as possible "

Both Robinson ind Keeney explain that dra ling with shoplifters requires special techniques. To spectally train people for this asfc ensures betler secunty and. thus. a bet ter deterent

Fiainst shoplifting. Shoplifters are ten from out-od town so they won t be recogmzed. Sorae department Stores, like Wal-Mart. are now able to obtain Information about shoplifters through a Computer system. Within m om en ta, a storę empkyee can be notified od a person w bo bas a record od shoplifting or can check on a shoplifter w bo tries to

shoplifting have mm

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Chnstmas shoepers doi lar will pajr the coata od shopiifUnc that will be suflered

ve escuaes for his or her wrong-doir^ hiłe shoplifters come m aII ages and sizes. the most prominent are m the 17 to 25 age group the second lar gest group a 14- to 17-years-old.

Shoplifters work akme. and some work ingroups Somerreamateurs. and some are prodessioiyJs. One thing is sure-they coat ma;or storę chama nUJions od doli ars per year.

They a>ao run an inereasing risk od coating *nemselves a crin inal record.

Shopliiting yiolatef city ordmances as well as s.ate statuiory laws.

U. Jeny Reno od the Carbondale police department wams that shoplifters nak permaoec* crimmal records, fioes up to f1.000 and a jall sen lence od i>p to one year. Penalties are based oh the vatue od the property stolec and whether U ta a first odfense. Juvemłes over 13 and under 17 veras ad age are referred to the State s attomey*s odfice or to the Youth Sennces Bureau for counseling with parents.

According to Chief Edward Hogan. most shoplifters dunng the Chnstmas season are a ma ten rs. The prodessionaj shoplifter will avotd this time ot year. be says. while the amateurs od ten lakę merchandise that can be used as gifts.

Sometimes customers have herpeu. too. according to Robinson They have spolted people attempting to shopfcft and have alerted storę employees.

While most people are holiday shopping this year. others will be trying to slip gifts under coats or into sarks When tney are caught. they will fake illness. be scared. and embarrass thetr damilies. They will also establish cnminal records. shoplifting m stealing.



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and get a giass


Doiły d9rP‘on. Docornbof 7. 1978. Pag* I5b


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