


W*re America Stops tor Christmas Gitts



a.    Regular $16.99 Seal-N-S»ve, bandy kitrhen helper for parkag-ing and stnnng leflorer foocr,

b.    Regular $16.99 Smali Fryer, automatu: thermoKiat maintains oil at proper cooking temperaturę.

c.    Regular $17.99 Fun Gun, the perfect helper in creating holiday cookiee. canapes, candiea and morę' With 9 cookie disca

d.    Reguł ar $17.99 2*slice toaater, with pastry setting for heating frożen and refngerated paatnes.

e.    Regular $17.99 A U-Temperaturo Mr. Burger, thermoatati-cally controlled dial ran ges to 4WF. Non-stick interior

f.    Regular $17.99 Pizza Maker, bakes a 12-inch pizza and can be used to cook hamburgera, sandwiche* pancakes and morę.

g.    Regular$ 16.99 Mr. Burger II, uae one side to cook burger*, then fi i p the grid to gnll sandwichea.


Regular aeparate pricea total


Great buy on this Sears food processor


*13 OFF on this

14-speed blender set


14 tperds are a nu labie at the toudi of a 1 utton. includmg '1 nuta blend- for rap«d mi King Set inclu 'tu 7 blend and


Alk ahoal Se ara credit plu

While qu«ntittira laa*

Koftd. chop. mi*, blend, •!**. grateand morę. aJI with one appliaoc** Ind udo* latał— *tod eutung bladea. nylon mucing blada, l-qt platuc Container, reope boofclK la

SAVE *2 ..*7

On these great gift ideas

a.    Regular t31J# Doughnut Maker    ■

bakę* 6 deltcioua doughnuu at one Orne................ Me

b. Regular $21.98 Big Fryer haa 4 cup capacity.    ■ *

ma intern* frying temperatura.........................1 4

a. Regolar $29-99 Seara Beat tnm u *rłf-cleam ng. uae

•pray crjdof steam ..... ......................




d. Regular t21M Maal Ceoker PI aa hn, tiearaa. cooka

family sued one pet maab ...........................

a. Regular liii Mr. Burger I gnll* hamburger* and

•andwichea m juat 1-3 minutaa. Coa ren tent ..........

t Regular IISJ7 lP-cup coftemaher brew* 10-cupa of

coflee ta 8 minutce With 26 filter*.................


UnlwrUty Mail Mow-Sat    łun H-1 J

Ooiły Egyptłon. Oecember 7. 1978. Pogm 17b


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