Proposed bond fee is unfair, uniustified

Imagmr the fo’’owing situation The Ford Motor (o has tud a słnng of had years. fmaiłcially Then. for wh»tever reasoo. the goveroment withdraws all sufccurfees Crom Kord. leacing the company sbort on funds for the coming year There is • >me insicty at Kord. and the board of dtrectnrs decides torrake sonie drasUc pnce incneases to make up for the loss of funds

The price hike* dont worry Ford. though hecause the gocernment Kas annouuced that al1 owners of ftfliml Motors veh:cles Wtl! be required to pay a tax so help any Citizen w ho want* to purchase a Kord make the estraordinaniy high paynients

NeedJ-sa tosay. o-ner* of (Jenerał Motor* vehicle* would broutraged.* ntending that if people still »an> to hu> Ford*. even wiih the higher prtces. then they should hr forced to pay that price themselves

Soch a situation would seem farfetched. etcept for the fact that . is happening nght now at Sil' of course. Lie commodity in question is not auti mobile*, bot housing

The IniYersiły. in order to offset the proposed withdrawal irf State suhsidies to the Student Cenlei and w campus housing. wili recommeud to the Board of Trustees that a $19 80 fee he esiabhsh*d the purpose of liie fee would he to replace ihe lass of the State suhsidies

The studenta, naturally. will he the ones reqiored to pay the fee if it is approved by the hoard As sucb. it is grnKsly unfair Student* hvmg ciff campus simply

should not be forced to help pay the rent of someone

Who 15 llYIHg on r

Immcally. though. liie Bond Hetirement Fee or.iy focmalizes off-campus students' subsidy of <V>. iiotory costs l'nder the system now in effeet. the l'niversity is permitted by law to retom a certain portion of funds paid by studenta for tuition The t’niver*itv then uses the retained tuition to pay off the bonds sold to fmańce eon? iruct.on of the Student Center and on-campus housing facilites All st* dent* pay tuition. therefore. all stuus-nts have been suosidmng on-campus housing

There is little difference between the tuition retertion sestem and the prnpaed Bond Retirrment Kee it is fair to assume that tuition should pay for education. hut the tuition retention system disginses the subMdies as payments for acadcmic purposes The new $;9 80 fee. ół whuk .0 0t« wili be aiiocaied to * niMng. would only make thr suhsidies morę usible. ioof v obvious. and henoe. morę cpen to cnticisin and de ba te.

The Illinois Bonrd of Wigher Eduratlon has decided Ihat sińce the State is facing financial constramts. it s suppori of non acadermc enferprise# such as the Student Center and cn-campus hceung should he irtailed The burden for fmam ing ihese enterpnses should hc plaoed on th< shoulders of those u ho use them. accordmg io the new IBHK phili»sophy Buł uhether thr methnr' of fmaroing on campus housing is tne Bom KcMrerm *t Fee or the tuition

t.Hention sssttm. studr iLs \ ho chonse to h\e ..ff campus are heing tased imlairly Thcy havc heen and are heing forced to pay !»*r scmethtng which they don • use. and Inwi w hi- h they don t benefit

Sluuerus havo suhMdizi*d ihi campu.-- housing in tfu-pa>». but that »v<f jusłify tfu- sunsidt. nor umiM it

C‘ fy a new type of student suhsidy for on-campus


The Cmwrsiiy cannot iusH;. ihe Fund Ifetirenient Kee on the grounds that withoul i. off campt* landlords will raise th**ir rents tn levels approsimat.ng tl.c lesels in the dornc Tnose landiortK \ 111 raise their rents anyway -ind -.t idents hving in the d«*rms w ii' not ł^e forced to help pay for those rent increas«*>

That the c<»st of li\mg c*ntinue> to spir.il is an unlortuiiate fact of life But inflali-.ai elfe«t> eserybody. ri^gardless of where they liv<* II :s only fair that the nmsamrr in this care thr housing eonsumer pays for n-rthing ołher lha:i whal he or she get> f hus. studenb :vmg indta-ms should pu> the fuli pr ,<-e rg th«i>e accot.iorlaiUHis. and the stuikmts living aw,«y ln>in lh«- cjnrjus should pay the fuli price for ihcir owi. acconusiałions

|| \«*u own a Chevy. (k» ><»u w..,il to p.iy fi»r yuur neighhor s higher priced Kord-'

Reporter’s self-investigation reveals very little

By Nick Sortal Staff Hriler

L'0''» I UłC-* O'.    |97b

Usl monili. ir. a ‘ettł*r to a jojrnahsm ‘traiie' maga/•;!»*. an cmpmyee at a T«-xas n«-w ^ pa per łompiamed ahout the overu.se of • Inv«>stigative K> porting ' The Te\an said the Wałergate expnse >»art«xf a flisa! «*f inve-.tigati\e jmirmilism that has Nmothered the country, making reporters mlo ik tectives instead of wnters

\<iw all reporter' do is look for someone to rap. ihe Texan contmue-! re flooded w:th this stuH F.' eryhody fi oni city «>ffrcials to haskettsill player.-hasehad everything tron their schooi ret i*r*l> tothcir sex lim pruł;-*d."

If Kd Mc Mahoń of the "Tonight hhim" ha.l writ* the jN>ve letter. he pmłiatily would have ark.J.^J ihe ioilowing commenf

"Kver> possmle ocT^alion has herm in»i*stigated for corruption TłK*re isn t tirM- 'ingle Ihłr.R in the w hole world that has ne\er !***r. e\ploced No sir* hcpłłters havecmered everyonc I rrpeat. cveryone that possibly could be in\estigated "

T« which juhnny Carson • i# he were guest host that rugnt' wiiuld reply “^rong. pica palałe’

Arxl CarMm would be right There is one special fj-oup that reporter* havr fa>ied to investigate A

grotip of people that are prime targets of puhlic abuse a sechir of nur populati.m that is often

h. irangued . ' ult called news rep^trters kortunatelv. l.'aiiy Kgyptiar. repo ters b?vr not

heen hyp*» r.;:cal in mcesiiga^ng them»elves t'. fact one reporter went so far as to investig-te 'IIS OWN A<TIV ITIKS In a copynr^hied story, repe^.er V*.k Sortal ~ame cot wiih an e-posr blasting hirnielf foc tampenng with his i:me c«trd. !hus. getting paid lor morę hours łKin hc <*• »u?i!y «as Aorking F.ere is .us story


W1TM IIJ.Ki;*., ACTl>»TV.


Nick Siirtal. a generał assignnent reprM-ter for the I)aii> Kgyptian today aceuse*’ h rr.self ot clieating nr time cards in order to earn morę monev Sortal. 20. is reported to have marked his time card wfum he starled work at 7 56 a m on Aug 17 and ałegedly clocked out on Nor. łl.

When asked by himself to rep'y to his charges S.rtal said he nad “No mmmmi Sortal la er tned :o cali himself on ihe t^Ięphone out he wasn i horne

“I wonder what ever hreame of me'1" .Sonal said In an effort to find out some of his persciM background to see whełher Sortal had dooe such praclices often. Sortal w.j unabie to obtain recorda of himself from the student Information office.

A spokesmun for tne office said the workers were “tightening up on to whom such Information wa>


"We cant let just anyhody find out about them«elYrs nowdays.** she said “After all. we got Ihe Buck!ev Amendimmt now you know **

Sorta! ha.s also heen imeMigrting some of the piijx*rs and other memenu* * in his home He has heen able to <k» this without much hurassmenł sirn^ <*e’y his family has serr mm do it Sortal-* miiłher said she thought there was something suspicious gmng un hut she thought he was just cteanmg his room "I sitould havc known l^-tter ihan thal.** sne said. he hasn t cleanerł his ruorr in ? i years "

(>U Ihe record * S<irtal aiso t> id himself that he did nothing wrong - hy receiv.ag a student Work che« k of tl;'N»i ever\ iwo wfrKi

I just nusread the decima; pi*mt.’’ he esplamed to himself

Sorta! also wid re piai ' to sue him‘elf .'or quoting himself of! ?he ;ecord He ,i currer iy looking for iawyers to take the case.

Alreacfy making a pomt for hi.jisei.' Portal said. “I mak? the rules and i can break tnem **

Sor>al said he realizes his inYestigation ji himself mcy .ost him his job. but >av» ' What s money and a ca.eer compared to tire thrill o umosenng a good scandal

But ail s well that rnds weil Due to g.-vrd planning. th«* MSiice for ahme story siillnasa futurę While

i.    it expe» ,my o do any morę report mg hesaidhestill

will    m the Ux>Łstrps of Woodward and


!*t s going to get filthy nch spe..kmg campuses abooi how he unemered his story


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