Tour of łionies lielps hospital
By A. HaroeUs
Ntud+at V*rłter
Kor morę than a decade, members and fńends of the Carbondale Memoriał łk*n!*ł -\uxihary have opened their hornes to the poblic durtng the Yuletnle seas»*n This way thry can add to the aux>ltary's ahility to purchase e^utpment k”d othrr special needs for the hospita!
Proceeds from tickets sold by autiliary membcrs. merchants and throughthe auxiliarys Pink Geranium gdt shop in the haspttal. and are used to
Srchase medwal epuipment. furniture • waitinft rooms and special items such as cołoring books and toys for die pediatrie* unit of the huopitai.
Although auxiliary officiał* we.e hoping for a tumout near or bet ter than lastyear s 35fl participants. <uidesałong this years tour. held Dec. 2. fełt that the wet wealher may have ca used many tu ket holdrrs to stay borne Sara Grace. president of ?he auxiliary. said she rxpected abuut SI 000 to be ra-scd b> this year s tour s ticket sałes. althnugh speeific amounts will not be known for srceral weeks • In recent years. the proceeds from tour ticket sałes ha\e heen near S1.0U0 per year." she said Grace said tha* withm the last 18 months. the hospitai auxiliary has purchased a cardiac stress unit difibrillator furmture for tne intensue care unit waiting rooms. a nicruscope. and a carbon dio\ide meubater. among other thmgs
The Moiiday Hi»me Tour is only one of many melherłs used hy the auxiliary to raise money for hosp<tal auditions. from phytical facihties to equipr:mnt and supplies accorrhng to Grace
nur ma:n melhod of raiMng money is through the Pink Geiamum gtit shop in the hospital." she said The ;mtt H.»liday Home Tour raised mon* thac
Christmas in China ignored; contrasts with LIS. customs
cootinued from Poge 23)
For this celebration. streets. homes and Stores are decorated like in Amenca. and the Clunrse have a lot to eal. drink and share "Aside from the famdy gathenng. another aspect of our custom is iemoiMrated dunng thos lelebration. Mirrud men hand out monę- m a smali en/elope to all single men iiey know.‘* Siu said
This is a smali gift which is equivaletit *:j the American 2S cents or one dollar It ts a gesture to wab the younger men luck in finti.og gnid wnes wbenever the timr corrv*s for them to be mamed *' “I miss the New Year celebratioo a lot. but sińce I can t possibly afford to go borne and particioate. I try not to
remember that such a beautitui celebration is going on at ho me Siu said
He added that id the past two years the Chinese Students Associafon has sponsored dinners similar to the New Year s celebration It is only that it would never match the festivbes thai accompames the one at borne
Yin Siu has been attendmg SIU sińce August 1977. anu he has never been home to attend the New- Year celebration because of the experu>es of the trip.
Like the famous American saying. *‘If vou can t beat them. om them.' Siu has adopted this method and he now partmprte* in nstmas celebrations in America murc than he has ever done before
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