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Making Europę Work Paris
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Hartmann, Sweden -11-schemes to overcome their resistance for further trainłng orHąrtmann, Sweden youthT empYoymen/^iciesTnd their^fects IN THE CASŁ-QŁS.W£DEN1_IouUl Employmeat m-3- Hartmann, Sweden Ł_The Active Labour Market Policy and Economic Planning in Sweden As pointed ou-4- Hartmann. Sweden wages for low-income groups, this produced a very Iow wage-differentia-tłon aft-5- Hartmann. Sweden 3. The Current Struciure of the Swedish Labour Market In accordance with the so-6- Hartmann, Sweden While the opportunities of the already employed labour force to vary their workHartmann, Sweden - 8 - But despite a rise in the ąuantity and ąuality of youth eduHartmann, Sweden with the stipulations of the Swedish labour market regulations, employers were obli- 10 - Hartmann, Sweden in Sweden. While further education in the beginning had only been seen as in- 12- Hartmann, Sweden meaningful work and training to otherwise idle youth on a rather Iow level of- 13- Hartmann. Sweden 5. The Outcome ofJYouth Employment Measures From a merely statistical point o- 14- Hartmann. Sweden often leading to dead-ends regarding the skills required in futurę working li- 15 - Hartmann. Sweden youth to continue to other forms of education. The tendency to lock-up you- 16- Hartmańn, Sweden As stated in a report of the Statistical Bureau of Sweden the transition from- 17 - Hartmann, Sweden Remaining in different employment schemes over longer perłods also facil-ita- 18 - Hartmann. Sweden ments and areas for eiperimentation with new forms of entrepreneurial thinki- 19 - Hartmann, Sweden L_General Imolications of Swedish Youth Employment Policies Looking at the owięcej podobnych podstron