unemployed over th© age of 25 with a minimum registration tim© of six months (long-term unemployed).
Youth may therefor© also b© subsidized if they ar© not registered at th© Labour Office. With respect to th© jobs offered and employment contracts certain conditions have to b© fulfilled. Subsidies will only be granted if th© patricipating employer takes all social welfare standards into account. This is supposed to prevent an impleraentation of precarious/ i.e. legaily not defined employment contracts with public funds.
In detail these regułations contain th© following conditions:
an employment contract lasting at least on© year has to be concluded with th© subsidized employee. As a rule, within this tim© period ©ight months will b© subsidized, th© remaining third has to be financed by th© participating employer;
Th© wag© is supposed to correspond with th© locally common level and must not be lower than th© wag© agreed upon in th© Collective Bargaining Agreement;
Within four months before th© engagement and during it, it is not allowed to dismiss employees in th© working field of th© subsidized person without th© agreement of th© Labour Office concerned.