rabie 3 Areas of work
Area of work |
Numbers of ©mpoyed persons |
per cent of total |
Environmental protection |
464 |
10.4 |
Sociał wełfare services |
1544 |
34.5 |
Urban and viłlag© renewal |
697 |
15.6 |
Cułturał activities |
209. |
4.7 |
Others |
1547 |
34.6 |
Total |
4461 |
100.0 |
Sourco: IWS Datafile AKTION 8000
An additional success is evident in th© fact that about one-half of th© previously unemployed persons can hołd on to ©mployment after they have gon© through th© programme.
This group obviously had a chanc© to ©nhanc© (or at least stabilize) th©ir generał capacity to perform at a job. Some of th© incumbents certainly get an opportunity to acquire specific skills through "learning by doing". About one-third of th© jobs ar© located in th© area of social welfar© s©rvices and about on© ąuarter in th© field of urban renewal and ©nvironmentał protection. Only on© in six of th© unemployed had to accept a job with lower skiłl requirements than was necessary at the person*s previous job.