8 6 2 3 0

What. we    need to    do, i n    ot.her wnrds, Is to develop a    nem

cult.nre of    contro)    . Should    t.hls need he fnlly nnderst.ood    and

aocfiptfid, and t.he cnlt.ure of non troi developed, complet.ely new poss1h1l1t. 1 e s won ld h e o p e n e d t.o st.at.fi act.ion. The ' prov1sionof col lect.1 ve goods    muld he    separat.ed, whenever snit.ahle    and

oonvenient.,    frora 1    t.s 'prodnntlon'. The ef fect.1 veness of    t.he

process of sat.1 sfactlon of needs wonld he guaranteed not hy t. he fact. t. hat. t.he sta te dlreot.ly prodnces snch gooda and servlces, hut hy t.he fact t.hat. t.he sta te is (has hecome) ahle t.o eon t.rol t.hat t.he pursued ohject. 1 ves are met., Independent, ly of whet.her t.he State Is dlreot.ly performing the joh or Ir delegat.ing t.he concrete produot.ion process to t.hlrd part.ies, In part. In ii Tarto firma.

Tn t. h 1 s new c o n t e x t, o1v1l servants wonld 1 ncreasingly hecome a gen t.s of direct. 1on and eon t.rol. Tn ot.her wordR, t.hey wonld i ncreasingly spania 1 1 7. e In t.he Intel llgent. t.asks, delegat.ing the pnrely execut.1ve pnd materiał t.asks t.o others . Public organlzations wonld hecome 1ncreas1ngly f 1 e x 1 h 1 e and wonld Increaslngly perfon malnly    1 n t.e l 1 1 gent. . roi as, In

co 1 1 a bora 1.1 on wlt.h t.hlrd part.ies, whlch wonld, In any case, he Riihject. t.o effect.1ve and pe net. rat Ing Controls. The st.at.e wonld Increaslngly hecame a ' huyer' of spedallzed goods and servlces, t.hat. wonld 'proyide' t.o * the collect.1vity t.hrongh t.he hudget, hut. avoid1ng or I1m1t.1ng    direct. 'prodnntlon1

a c 1.1 v 1 1.1 e r .

The ma1n t.ool t.o implement. t.hls change of philosophy i r given hy spedallzed eon trać t.s. The preclse performance which is required hy the st.at.e should be deflned very oarefnlly and speclflcally. And t.hls should hecome t.he - ohject. of a eont.ract. proposed t.o ext.ernal agenta, pnt. 1n compet.it ion each against. t.he others. Tn t.he same way as t.he sta te is now acoust.omed t.o suhcont.ract. the hulldlng of a road or a hrldge, 1t. coulri snhcontract. many ot.her act.1v1t.1es, havlng deflned qua 1 1 t.a1.1 ve standard* and nnder t.he condl t.ion t.hat. 1t. is ahle t.o eon t.rol t.he correct. execut.ion of t.he eont.ract. .

Th1s approach has also sonę relevant. and morę direct. impllcat. ions on joh-creat.i on p o 1 1 c 1 e s . To t. he ext. ent. t.hat. t.he pnhllc sect.or heoomes a 1 hnyer' of goods and services snpplled hy prl vat.e f Iris, 11. will ohvl ousl y hecome also less 1nvolved In the process of direct. creat.lon of johs. Rut. t.hls 1 s only a flrst. aspect. of t.he 1 re p 1 1 ca 1.1 on s on joh- creat.lon. Tn fact., t.he pnhllc sect.or will eon t. Inne to provide a morę or less wlde rangę of servlces dlreot.ly, t.hat. Is t.o say t.o use la ho ur dlreot.ly. Thls, however, In our oplnlon, should not. imply t.o crfiflt.fi permanent. and, In many cases, very lit. tle flex1ble pnhllc johs.

Tn t.he same way as t.he st.at.e hnys goods from flrms w1 t.hont. es t.ah 1 i sh 1 ng permanent. r e 1 a 1.1 on sh 1 ps wlt.h t.hem, 1 t. could choosft t.o hl re workers on a t.emporary hasls 1n order t.o carry out. spe elfie project.s wlt.h spedflc ohject lves    (e.g. the

prov1s1on of cert.aln serv1ces, 1n a cert. a i n area,    at. a

cert.aln tlme). The pnhllc sect.or, should he careftil to make 1t. very elear t.hat. t.he johs so creat.ed are 1 nd i spiit.ahl y


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