Harold L. Richarda Marching Band struts its otuli dunng holttime while perionntng lor a .stadium luli oi lana at ISU.
Bertuca is Musie Dept.
Musie «ai Richards is both chorał and instrumental.
There are a vanety ol bands that all have a dilłerent emphasts. The Marching Band is Ihe performing band. There is also the Jaz2 Band which emphasizes the brass seclion.
There are two choir classes at Richards under the direction of Mr. Pete Bertuca who ts retinng this year after 25 years of teach-ing at HLR.
In addition to the shows put on by the Marching Band dunng the football games. there were also two concerts held dunng the Chnstmas season and agam in the Spring.
The departrnent is down to iust M: B. because of the decllning enrollment in the program.