Dr. Harold L Kichards, Superintendent
A touch of limnortality ls a na me ihal llvcs bcyond a single lłfespan, a natnc ihai is recognized and connotative of leadcrship. scrvlcc, and expericnce. Harold I.. Kichards isj ust sucli a na nie. Dr. Richards bcgan his carecr in the field of cducation almost 40 ycars ago as a high school leachcr. He involved himself in evcry level of educallon. and after serious study and work achieved his degrees. Pr icelcss cx per lence in leadership was accu-mulatcd whllc scrving in iwo world wars and the Korean Con-flict. As superintendent of District 218 sińce 1935, hc has watch-cd the school system einerge from Its infancy and grow to its present lcvcl of educational standing. It was Dr. Kichards w ho dcvlsed the Two-Two Plan, now widely adopted throughout the United States. He has servcd as the president of the South Sub-urban Lcague and also the Organized Association of Suburban Confcrcnccs for many ycars. His unprctentious help has bccn a major forcc in its dcvclopmcnt. l-ong years of scrvlce to the com-inunity were recognlzed by the people of the district, and in a special cercmony in Dr. Kichards' honor, the second graduating unit of District 218 was christened the Harold L. Kichards High School— a littlc touch of Immortality.
Sii|x-rinirmirni of DUlrici 218, Dr. Harold L Kichards. was ably asslslrd by his |>crsoiial sccretary, Miss Helen C. Trący.