Mu Apha Theta. Front: Shamn C x Amy W>y jn*-r Second: Mick Throw Jen ny Hillman ri i. a Bach Row: Ehe Roseriow Douci Thiessen. Leshe Carlson and Chns LeLu<jo&
O W that's using your head
Science Club number dimbed to 54.
Adam Beck received d lirst place medal at Ihe annual S1CA science competition in March lor Ihe biol ogy category.
President was Sahar Khairallah V P Adam Beck. Secretary Nancy Twichell and treasurer Gigi Gal vez.
President Shannel Jackson pre-sides over the 23 member speech team. Jennifer Rapp is the secre tary.
Robią lohnson is the lst place wtnnerat the Novice toumament
Mr. Baker hod 10 llying enthust asts in his club. Mlek Throw was president. V P Dino Tsoukatos. Jim Boehm was treasurer.
Mu Alpha Theta is an honorary math society that Mre Karyl Tyler advises.
Chess Team. Front Row: Charle: Pat*-RobSullwan Willie Williama Paul Wheel er VangioGalvez.Ted Pitsoulakts, Rachel B* • k Vadlavia Nolan Bach Row: Mr
Charles Shell* >n Tanjamka Pinsfon Vin cent Montgomery. Heldi Sacler. Sdbfey Miller Robyn McDayo. Mik*- Witt Jack Huasien arvd Dan Dcarman
Science Club. Front Row Chnsto-fiher Lelugos Brendan Chroty. Tom Szurgot. Valdevia Nolan, Chmtine Gibko Shannell Jackson. Taniamka Pmfc-otn Second Row. Douq Thies son. Conatantlne Tsoukatou, Britl Bu* channas. Ruta Dundenaa Fatima Abu ztr Vangl© Galvoz Georgia Golis; Third Row: | -yo* Guf fayoun j L.na V.utkus. Don Popo, Mana Malleo, A lor David. Carla Cham bora. Giną Wolch. A ivi> r Jean Wehr Bach Row: ahar Khairallah. James Boohm, Daniel Vale9. Russell O Donnell. Kevm Jack son. Nick Nichols. and Huaaon Khałral lah.
Speech Team, Front Row: R bi ł
Johnson. Sharyn lohnsori Shannel Jackson. Taniamka Pirikston. Valdavia NoUn Bach Row: Dave Fagan. lenni tor Rapp, Mrtllory Hayes. Traccy John Bon. Latnna Wilson. Ijeatey Jcnkiris. Mr Homer Thomas and Ms. Dobbte Gtnerts.
Student Active In Education. Front: I Groqani- Second
Row: Jim Pacella. Donna Kraka. Susy Ouintcro. Hussam Khairallah Bach Row: Vangie Galvez K‘ dney M* Carter Joyee Bugayoung, Sahar Khanallah. and Sylvia Mumz.