-rlins silwr wlre on a 4-mm mandrcl
ST nnęs mu dr front 20-gaugc (.8 mml rhng silwr u itr <m a 2.8-mm mandrcl
%■- r,£ silwr tobstcr claw clasp. 13 mm
row ol double smali rings along onr slde lo |oin pairs of triangles Into the diamond shapes.
Lay ilu* diamond shapes out in a row on a fiat surface. Kemów the largo rings at thc two ends of thc diamond shapc ihat will l)e ai lho center of Ihe bracclct. Join tliese lcflovcr smali rings to the largo rings at the ends of the iwo end diamond shapes. Set a largo ring iii cach end of the chain of diamond shapes. and mounl a clasp in one end.
Altach the iwo ouicrmosi pairs of largo rlngs w Uh iwo smali rings. Lay out the assemldage so ihal It forms a triangle. willi one unit pointłng down.
Set a pair of smali rlngs in cach of the top pairs of rings.
Photo on page 42
fe * element of this handsome brace-r msists ol two triangles asscmblcd
■ ling to the dlrectlons on the facmg mur then joined along one slde. Instead
■ : jirs of largo rings. however. single mri- rings aro used. The smali rings aro m. used in pairs.
I. m tici:
Hero the rings are agam used in pairs. two Idcntlcal rings at a limę. every linie.
fcemble si\ triangles. subsiliutlng I i-ge ring cach limę the dirertions ■e lor a pair of largo rings. I se a
Conncct Ihree pairs of largo rings with two pairs of smali rings. as shown abovc.
The lattice now lacks oniy a top ring. which consisls ol a pair ol largo rings set m the iwo pairs of smali rings on lop. A yarialion of ihis lattice paltem is shown on page 36.
I Three Simple Chains. p. 50
2. Daisy Chain Walchband. p. 37
3. Lattice Bracelei with
I lemat Ile Rings. p. 36
4. Wldc Bracelet with Double Clasp. p. 38
5. Silver Bracelet of Chalned Lattice. p. 36
6. Simple Nccklacc Threadcd with Silver and Gold Beads. p. 32