I*ui the wire Inlo the chuck nexl lo ihe mandrel. Puli down on ihe w ire and begin
circlc up in ihe mlddle. perpendicular lo the resi of the coil and centered over it.
%. iking jcwelry froin wire colls. or con-
- :ied spirals. is noi a receni invention. .rwelcrs all ovcr the world have always v n fasclnated by the simplc. mysti-
Ci and infinltc shape of the spiral l.et : seir become caught up iii the world *pirals and inspired by their myrład ^"■ibilities. In ttils soctlon. I II show you ic-- to use coils in jewelry. alone or in c Tibinatlon with oilier clemcnts.
<tlerluls mul Tools lor
fi ir rrojci ls
tiu II nced a vise. an eggbcaier drill.
* ling mandrcls of varlous slzcs. iwo : i rs of chain-nose pliers. a piece of
* leather. a hook that will fil your 4r:!l chuck. a smali lile. wire cutters. r.und-nose pliers. iwo pairs of flat-
: pliers. curved necdle-nose pliers.
4 racelel mandrel. a ring mandrel. a ? ary tumbler. a plasilc haminer. a
* . ier‘s saw and blades. and a long - r or lape mcasure.
- round and half-round sierling silvcr
* •. or any metal wire intended for
» »elry. In any óf these proiccts. a less - pensive wire of ihc same gauge ean a- Mjbsliłuled.
i \ki\t; coils
? eten Ihe visc lo a labie and clamp Ihe v. -1 drill In ii. as shown ai righl. Firmly fasien a mandrel in the chuck. If vou’rc using a very long mandrel. li s helpful lo suppori Ihe far lip lo kcep It from movlng around.
lo lurn the drlll slowly. as shown below. As you ncar the end. again go slowly so that the wire won t hurt you If ii whlps out of your fingers.
hlnlsh llir Cali
Work one sidc ol a flal-nosc plier in under the first circlc of the coil. Klip it up.'
Grasp ihe remaining coils w ith your fin-gers whlle wlih ihe pliers you bend the
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