56951 Silver Wire Jewelry

56951 Silver Wire Jewelry

\i:cki.\ck w mi ('.on Sk<;\ik\ts

2li- In 20-gaugc In O.li mml oIre

III- In Ili-gaiigc (I In 1.2 mm) nlrc

\ short way down the round-nose plicrs. twist the wirc into an eye. Grasp the wire willi the plicrs at the basc of the eye. Ibrn il slightly iii the opposite dlrccllon to center the finished eye on the end of the wire.

20 gauge pi mm)

li inchcs (20 cm) uf sicrllng sihcr wirc.

12 gauge (2 mml

Sicrllng sllvcr lohstcr claw clasp. 20 mm

Photo on page I i

SlI.TKK llmCKI.FT nim Con. Bf\d

Lcngth: 6% inchcs W H7 cm)


Coli Bcad

2.5- mm mandrel

4% hrt (1.25 ml ofsicrling silwr wire.

IN gauge 11 mmi

łlcavy Coli

3.5- mm mandrel

3'/t (ret il ml of halt-round sicrllng sll\cr w Ire. 2 v I mm

Supporting Insldc W Ire

(* ;A inchcs (17 cml n( coppcr nr sicrllng slher u irc. fi gauge (3 mml

Photo on page 15

Make and o.Mdize the slender coli for the bcad.

Start the coil bcad 2Y* inchcs (7 cm) into the heavy coil.

Shapc Ilu* 8-gauge (3 mm) wirc on a bracclet mandrel. Round the ends willi a filc to kccp them from scratching. Ilardcn the wirc.

Turn jhc heavy coil. with bcad. onto the 8-gaugc |3 mm) wirc. Plnch the ends closcd so that the supporting wirc can t bc pushed out.

Plnally. polish the piccc.

m\kim; kmi i:n:s

llcrc aro iwo good lcchnlques when you necd an cyc at the end of a wirc: both work well.

Ilold on m the round-nose plicrs w bile twisilng the sltorl end of the wirc.

Snip off the extra and pincli the end in close with curvcd ncedle-nose plicrs.

Length: 1(5 inchcs (40 cm) w withoul clasp

MATERIALS AM) TOOI.S 3-mm mandrel

fi'A fcct (2.5 mi ofsicrling sllwr wirc.

IH gangc 11 mm)

10 inchcs (25 cml ofsicrling sllwr wirc.

W gauge il mmi

50 rmgs madc from 11-gauge (1.5 mml stcrling sllwr u Ire on a 5-mm mandrel

Sicrllng sil\cr lohstcr cla* clasp. 15 mm

Photo on page l * Wind a coil with the longcr length of wirc l)ividc this into threc segments: one 2-inch] (5 cm) coil and iwo 1tt-inch (3 cm) coils. Thread cach onto a piccc of wirc. and forn an end cyc close to cach end of the coli. inakmg them just large cnough that the coli can t slip off. Assemble the coils with a ring betwcen cach of the segments.

Bond the coils (and the wirc insldc them) to maleli the curvc of the ncck. Assemble



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