Mdking the Rounds becarne the theme for the iirst book ol the 90 s.

During ttie Hertt Jones camp, which was attended by Manetta Sultivan tor the third time, and Amy Wagner, the inspiration came wtulę in discussion with the professional artist who at tended camp.

By integrating the logo for the theme with the colorful back ground oł Doug Thiessens tie dye shirt they achieved a con-temporary took that rolled the Golden Year into the 90's.

The smaller staff of 1990 did a creditable |ob of mdking dead-lines.

Manetta Sulhvan was the first student in the history of Richards to take the course for 4 years. She dtd this by gmng up lunch periods and working on an independent study. To acknowledge the contnbution she madę she was awarded a scholarship which would benefit her college career. Her efforts are greatly appreciated.

When an advisor pictures the perfect editor tn chief, tfiey fiave Manetta in mind.' said Wanda Wagner. Shes brigfit. creattve and knowledgeable. Shes en-thusiastic and knows how to qet along with the people well. She sets the tonę for the staff working together. Her theme develop-ment was masterful and those ideas will win awards. I hope tfiat she continues on in the field."

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Dabbte Anthony pointa out a numbor codo that hor co-oditor on Cumculum necda io płaco a photo on o layout

Roeeanne Stanu is responsibto tor evoryone betnq obie to lind thernflelves as »hv compilos tho mdex.

January ąraduate Joanono Bnnki churnod out tho Album sechon beton? hor departuro in January

90's make the rounds

auyhter and Mom? Ev«*n thoogh nnemblance is groat Amy Wagner and Watjs are not rulated.



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