30 rnembers o! the school madę up the choir which was a class under the direction oł Mr. Peter Bertucca.

n addition to the annual Christmas Concert, the :hoir traveled to Bloom Trial High School and periormed with 400 other choir rnembers Irom ihroughout the SIC A conterence.

Select rnembers ol the choir pertormed in the IHSA musie competitions.

As a iinish to the year. the choir pertormed both at the Distnct 218 Musie Festmil and the annual Golden Awards concert.

Students who chose to work on the journalistic activities dvailable to them can be nominated by the advisors, have a B average and have worked on a publication at least a semester will be Ouill & Scroll rnembers.

Choir Clais Officors: Hit nar. Kn t-r r .D-rt-. >»d Kan William*. Vk» Pn-sident Tina Thetlmann; Preaidont CoUan

■ Not Picturod: Irea-

surc-r Denw> Ducharme and Llbranan Julie Gurnsier

Choir. Front Row: Kri ;t*-n R lx*rtr. Treka Powell N-nnllor Robie*. Shalanda Sibert Alma Boanon Healher Millar Da vita Bnd»i«*wator. Donna Haync Middle Row- R -«• < un nmejham. Sherae łona*. Etla McChnstian. Colleen O Con nor Tanianika Pmkston. Wanda Ohn<ivr Michelk* Williams. Mm heUe Baker Kari WUłloi I ( ta Bari Top Row: (Jhene Kara*. lennie Amick. Tina Thielmann. Tartsha Howard. Rhondi Beller Virky Low«x*zyk Maureen Satili*r, Lun Cayne and Michelle Cahill


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