noses. They
Im.ł itne the aurpriae oł Mr. Sheltona pho-u x jiaphy dass whon tho Iłghls went on and they found a tuli tAte copy o! Jeonene Bnski
make up just a part ol the vast array oł iactal expressions that adom the HLR student body at any g»ven moment. Faces ex-press the thnll oi victory and the agony oi deieat. They show łnendship. love, łear. distress and other emotions that can de* velop in a high school environ* ment. Without these taces the school would not exist, and we would not be able to live the ex* penence that occurs but iour
years in a liietime.
Could there be a deiimtive iace that describes the essence oi HLR? What would it look like? It would have to be an amalgam oł the above expressions plus many morę. The end result though could probably be de* scribed with one word — satis* łactjon. The joys and łrustrations oł iour years oi work. play and determmation that culmmate tn a diploma must leave students satisiied with that chunk oł their liłe. We hope that at HLR it means much morę.
ol the lesson tn chotr ciosa to leam to »«se lacial ex to omphaaze the lyncs tn the oelection. Denis* Duchorme. Colleon 0‘Connor. Tino Theil-mann and Jonntler Amtclt smq.