«* PaintCal Paint R&D Software
JLAM Solutions LLC
Software to# enhancmg the efflctewoy ol coatmęs BftD and QC
PaintCal softwaie is designed to expedite the ptocess ol developing new ot ievised paint (oimulations. It consists ol 4 modules. CASSVBI, EVAPVB1, FLASHVB1. and S0LVB1. A biief desciiption of the calculalions petloimed by each ol these modules is given in a pop up box. which can be accessed by moving the mouse ovei the name ol the module fsee helowi
AJI of these calculations requife entry by the user of the following. the numberofvo!atile components mthe costmg, selection ofthe component names from e list and the weight percents of each.
This calculation requires entry of the measuied Brooklield \/iscosity-RPM datapairs.