Turnabout was the big activ-iły oł the Girls Club. On the night oł February 17. a Sat-urday evening. the about face dałeś amved at Richards’ cafeteria for romance and musie.
The original sponsor of the Girls Club Ms. Ellen Penner had to take a personal leave in December and left the club without real direction. In January Ms. Pat Luecke wasasked if she would help organize the dance with the members of the Girls Club.
Luecke pressed every wilhng volunteer into semce and the cafeteria was decorated »n time.
Shannell Jackson was presi-dent of the club.
Tony V*stutn and liii Anderson tianoe in the cafeteria decoral ed wjlh red and alvor hearts
Freshman Brad Wnęk and his datę
.)et a llttlo closcr during lh« slow dance al Her*-* and Now
Kim Kulhanek and hor escori Erie Tamosiunas ahare a lew smilos at ihe evonwq danct Ihey enjoyed nl Kim a mviiation.
Roseanne Stano and Dav«- Nominssen ahare a turmy raomenl dunng a danct* al Turnabout.
Kris Burns and fason Elsner share a moment at the Girls Club sponsonod dance Here and Now