Our netghbor* lo the north w#w no moich for u» os the varsily team beot Ook Lown 42-6. Whol Ed Ebouso remembent aboul ihts gamo is "when Bill Oldhom pul out our |x>l'>ntuil All-Amen ean runnmo back. Kevin lockson
Our old łnend Provtdenc© mel its demu© by our hands willi o icof oł 39-6 loe Lackner sald lhol lh» viefory was "łh© high-lujht oł łh© season . Thol gam© is the on** lhol chanqed Ihe player* from individuob lo o learn
Sullivon th©n Incd lo knock usout of the running, bul we merely knocked Ihem otł. 45 12 The highlight of the gamę w os when senior John Newton ran the luck ołł bark for a louchdownon th© lirst play.
Nexl, Ihe Bulldogs look on Ook Forest. beating I hem 32 20. Chris Roo< he sani Ihe bes* f«ari was wfien Ihe fu* teamdełense went bo« k mlo Ihe gam© oller Ihe Bcngab had soorod 3 limes sir.iifjht orni lorced ihe kxill ov©r lo Ihe offense."
loliet Calholłc Ihen Ined and łailed, os we smashed Ihem 34 12 Thir. nexi hurdl© towanh siat© waa tuocessfully leoped and ił onemed nolhing could stop up.
The Woodsto.-k was o mer© bagateli© bełween us and siole so webrusguely pushed them asid© 45-13 Tłun gam© stw ks m ih© nun<J oł lo* Pogan becous© he w«»s pul in lo rwoeive ihe outstd© kwk which our coochuig rtafł so brillianlly anticipoted. and suco©©led in recovennq Ihe bali
The big moment had cocrn?. ll was lo be one of Ifie mml -x<:iting gamea HLR fiad ever scen. We met Morris on Ihe field al Illinois Stale lo realne o dream Ihal exislod sutce Ihe first practlc© day oł Ihe s©or*>n
Chad Randick related hissitory ol Ihe gamę: “The mad memoro ble momenl oł tfu* stale gamę wob overtime. We sluck logolher ihroughoul tho gamę and knew the outeom© would be decKled iri łhcce Imol four downs The offense knew wluii haii lo be don© and did H whtch lefl Ihe burdęn on fh© doł*:*nue We knew we wen* Ihe betler team and so«lir) ihey afler lh© fourth down of •werlim© Ihe 12 6 vwióry gam© MLR its second utraigfit stale champtoruhip."
1989 V«rsity Football
Hi.R |
Gpp'M*tilB | |
44 |
m j 2i flKr* | |
1 33 |
rWr.-r. |J |
W J ° |
M |
\ndbutg |
10 |
47 |
K'oav» |
0 |
44 |
Argo |
0 |
5J |
: taił |
0 |
35 |
Shepard |
• 6 ' |
42 |
Oak Lawn |
t i i 4 |
39 |
Pr< >vider»co |
6 |
Playoffs | ||
45 |
<Sullivan |
12 |
32 |
Oak Porosi |
20 |
34 |
loliet Cathofp |
12 |
45 |
Woodstork |
13 |
12 |
Mottw |
6 |
Ali Sial** senior lohn Newton, eleclnłied Ihe field łhis season He mt**r• f 10 pas-^ !< >r Ihe Hl.R
r*M < *rd and eaughl 47 (•■oases for 774 yard- .
Hol Mady, John Rutkowski. Tom Lyons. Mark ICenebrew md Ed Ebouso dunl lh©mK©lvei olf m preporation for Ihe noxl play knowmg o vietory i- in th© big