Glirofa the GbocJ Wilch ol the North. Hoatsdown to the Emor ald City
Jim Dudlicek letr. out <1 royrtl growl anginę. II I Werw King oł Ihe For-
whoso orwrtjełk: portraya! ot Toto
The Wick«d Witch molta into «i puli ol amoke as Dorołhy iimshes ołł her rwmests with a bucket ol water
M«iybe Etae Kirar plans lo steel* the show. playmg the Tm M ui.
' ' We re ołł to see the Wizard ... " These lyrics were most likely heard from adults and children alike who jammed the Little Theatre (oj- the fali musical No> vember lOth. 1 Ith. 17th and 18th. The Drama Club played host to
standtng room only crowds with its productton o! ‘The Wizard ol Oz, a dełlghtful adaptation ot the 1939 lilm classic which re* centiy celebrated its 50th
Senior Joy Smith played Dorothy, heading up a cast that constsłed ol both new members and seasoned
To put it iri simple terms. the production was a tremen-dous success. The graduat-inq seniore expressed their leelings: “Just try to get along without us next year — JUST TRY’"
16 ) Wizard of Oz