powerłul bdls of the Bulldogs. we were un beatable."

The team had three All-Conference playera. They were seniora Bill Shannon. Boyd Burkę and luruor Dave Downey. Shannon and Burkę achieved this honor for the sec-ond straight year.

Olher playera wjlh maior contributions were seniora lohn Bayles. Rick Bogard. Brian Magnan, and juniora Ted Koeppen. Erie Rosenow. Craig Clark and Nick Gia-lamos.

Rick Bo 1 a r d w.łrms up lor«* slopping up lo tłu* plakat our homo Oarm- aanit!5l

A roi '

wondor lwim T1    and l>av*- Dowrwy p!<sn thoir r.tral**oy łor tho n«‘Xt mriirui

r, i' 1 ••pliyhill h.untiri:    | upili*-1*11 and mak* m iut with h« ■> iral*- litr- m t lirslł

Vcirsity Baseball Ł ^


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