$85.00 boucjht the starry eyed H.L. Richards cou-ple the new buifet dinner at the downtown Chicago Mar not I.
For several yeurs the people who had been organ izing the Spring dinner dance had been investigating dinner allerna tives. The studenLs deiimtely wanted the dinner. The class otiicers iound a menu that had somełhing lor everyone on it at the Marriott. Four buflet tables were set up at each ol the dii ierent corners ol the room. Mexican was at one. Chirtese ut anofher. pizza and Italian at the third and regular American lare at the last table. In addition there were sołt drinks offered at the “Coca Cola bar." Every one had the opportunity to sam ple and chose the type ol meal they wanted.
It was nice. 1 loved the egg
rolls,' said one student
193 couples attended the lunę 2 dance. There they suw Senior class president Barb Doherty crowned Oueen and Ron Kon stanopoulos was voted King by his classmates. Barb and Ron took their Iradltional dance and reigned over the dance Irom 7 to 12 that night.
Ms. Pat Luecke. tlie class dli cer sponsor, reported that the number ol couples was down Irom the year belore. This was Ms. Lueckes Imał year plan ning prom. She had been the sponsor lor live years.
Miss Iean Martin would be tak mg her place lor the 1990 prom.
Once agam the Gentlemen ol Leisure provided the musie lor the dancers.
A break al prom meant a huq and a p«ł»* tor Krw Werstler and Sondy
Mcmbon ol the Marriott stall pro vi* lod .« łlaming moment whon they bfourjht out the lood tor the bul tets
TlieiKju rollr. were a popular choice when couples wandered <>ver the labie that oHered Onenlal < •iiaii***
St»‘'wmq oll thetr c houe tn lornuit altire with the wbite tux m.il> hin i tłu* ynung lady 5 outlit wat f'urd«U Reki and hb dato