b. V-necked collar
This two-piece collar has a seam at CB. Start the new back neckline at a, 2-5 cm below the Błock neck, and run it straight to the shoulder at b, 0.5-1 cm down from the neck. —►
I40 cm
6. Fuli pattern and layout for Fig 4
This basie pattern is also suitable for later plain styles. The Back and Front are shown on cloth 140 cm wide, folded crossways. The sleeves can be cut from the spare fabric between Back and Front. Gown length is 160 cm, and side seam length is 138 cm. Hem width is 67 cm, giving a total hem of 268 cm - about the minimum for a good shape.
To make your working pattern see Planning above, and Blocks, p. 42.
20 cm