Bulldog nłght lights

Stadium lights dedicated

A Bulldog dream long wished lor was realized on September 1. 1989. when dusk leli and the H.L. Richards lights turned on.

Wmning the State championship spurred the eftorts of parents m the booster club. coaches. students and the admimstration to set the (our light poles in place. When the Shepard parents worked to get lights for their school. a committee at Richards was formed of parents. teachers and alumni to work for those lights.

Distnct 218 agreed to loan the committee

$82.000 to fund the initial mstallation. The fund raismg efforts of the committee would then be used to pay off the loan withm 5 years.

In charge of the committee activities were Bill and Pat Woicik.

The lights are expected to mcrease atten-dance. Coach Gary Korhonen heartily ap-proved the new additions. "Football was meant to be played on Friday night. It's outstandłng."

Th* Ghostly glaro o! the new lights illummated the playmg held for the firet time Fnday. September Ist Fundraiser and booster mom Mareha Downey of fored Bulldog itoms for sale Four post* dominated the football field Ch**rl*ad*ra prepared a balloon display for the dedication ceremony. Dr. Romaym Baker addressed the crowd at the first night football gamo Dignitari** who attended the dedication

were Oak Lawn Fire Chief Jack MeCastland. Oak Lawn Park Distnct Board member Manone Joy. CHSD 218 Board Member Mary Allison. Chicago Ridge Mayor Eugene Siegel. Oak Lawn Park Di3tnct Director Marty Larson, Mr McQuaid. Mrr. Dianę Baschetti Mrs Jaruce Russell. Mrs Marsha Downey. Leonard Kenebiew and I.C. Love Jordan.

Let There Be Lights § 33


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