Stroni wrlicals tn this shol taken by John Rutkowski #eems to underhne the ■nernuriatton oi the Sentore. tncluding Hal Mady. to win and sucoeed.

Makina Waves

SENIORS. The seniors leave HLR wiłh OH \ equal experience to thał of Dr. Baker, com* ' plełing his 4th year here. They have seen four years of excellence, in volleyball, football. track and in academics.

OTRENDS. The '80's could be considered the "Black Decade" as this color dominated fashion. The other side of the spectrum saw rainbow-splashed tie dye tee shirts and jack-ets. Too much color or nonę at all . .. indecision, indeci-sion!

TRIVIA. After four years of experience do the seniors really know all they should about HLR? Probably not. Therefore, a test is in order to evaluate their proficiency as high school experts. Who cares how many stairs the school has? Ya gotta know it.


tivities cause students to put in long hours after the 3:15 beli. Some need maps to re-mind them how to get home. Language clubs, ISE. Aviation and others have been out of the limelight but are an integral part of school culture.

WORLD EVENTS Hurricanes. Earth-W quakes. Explosions. It could be said this year was a disaster. By the same token, we have seen great victories in achieving freedom and liberty for long opressed people.

OGOOFING AROUND. It is said that all work and no play makes John a duli boy. The same goes for HLR students. After a brain-frying day of classes, everyone needs to do something that requires minimal thought even if it’s just a glass-shattering scream.

Our łan supporl Ikjs improwd sińce Iłu? lxjhts were pul up bul il duł nol stop th«?se die ł»ard Bulldog tana from cłwonng dunny Iłu- płayołt cwmw

^lini Mag


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