

It seems as it these students and athletes nev-ergo home. Doesanyonenot tnvolved reahze the time involved? Probably not.

Senior Erie Rosenow said about baseball. Richards is a commitment that goes "Playing sports 1sfun.0bv10usly.0rl wouldn t around the clock.


ound the clock

Schooi is much morę thdn academics and studying. It is also what ts done after schooi and with our friends that we remem* ber after our high schooi years.

Most of the students here are in* volved m one or morę extra cur* ricular activities which take a lot of work, time and effort. The reason why Richards’ sports teams are ex cellent is because of the tons of practice that go mto them.

Natasha Bnnger uses hor spore time to work back atage prepanng for opening nigtit ol tho foli play

do it."

Other students say they are involved in sports because it keeps them in shape. Senior cheerleader Trisha Gu-zinski commented. "you need tons of practice ii you want to look good."

Athletes aren t the only ones who stay; after schooi. Someone has to prepare for all the activities that are going on, from Homecoming to "The Wizard of Oz. Senior Drama Club member Jim Dudlicek said, We stay after schooi long enough to do the best job possible."

Kim Beltz shows ihat sometimos executive re-sponsibihty moans helprng to clean up after the

homecoming dance.

O one oi the |obs the cheerleaders took on was deco-ratinq łootball lockers Amy Wagner slnng» the crepe paper after schooi

Senior Ted Kix*ppon works up a r.woat after schooi to strengthen upper body lor football

John Rutkowski tak es his responsibility senously. work-ing round the clock.


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