

Peter F. Bertucca is a Vandercook graduate who has displayed his knowledge at both DDE and HLR over his 39 years oi teachmg. Bands from both schools urider his direction achieved supenor ratings; he leaves us with these awards. good memones. lasting Inend-ships. and a school song.

Ms. Arlene Kotli has taught for 32 years. 31 of them at DDE. Teachmg PE. health and science. she "enjoyed workmg wilh the stu-dents' and Teceived satislaction lrom help mg students grow and maturę." With BS and MS degrees from George Williams College. Ms. Kotli entered teachmg qualihed and leaves it satisfied.



Caleb Johnson was welcomed with open arms by HLR aiter he transferred from our neighbonng school. Eisenhower. Johnson was this year's addition to our driver ed Staff and has decided to end his teachmg career here. HLR is the best place to round out his lengthy career.

Ms. Lok Nielsen has been an asset to the Home Ec departments at Eisenhower. Shep-ard. Sauk and Richards lor 22Vj years. A gra-duate ot NIU. she created Sauk s Child Care internship program. Slie leaves teaching aiter havmg "accomplished morę. education-ally. than I ever dreamed.

Mr. Gordon Kangas has taught industnal technology throughout 218 lor 28 years. For 26 of those years he served as manager of the boys’ intramural sports program here and at EisenhowersOld Mam building. With an MS degree from U of I Kangas has “become good fnends over the years’’ with many students.

With 33 years spent teaching chemistry (first at Fairfield Comrnunity High School). Mr. Robert Underwood has seen changes in sev-eral areas of education. “The major changes have been in generał student attitude and the increase in Computer technology use<J for education.' A graduate of Indiana Universi-ty. he will be missed by his colleagues and student s.


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