Who has headaches and migraines?

This chapter is dedicated to outlining who is tikely to experience headaches of various types and who is or is not likety to be a migraineur.

Wecanbegin this chapter with a simplestatement. Anyonecan have headaches and migraines, regardless of their age, background, medical history, and so on. However, such a simple statement is not particularly helpful, and we must remember that the person's condition introduces probabilities. Just because someone is unlikely to experience something does not mean that it will not happen. On the other hand, even a favourite can lose a race, regardless of the odds. In other words, there are trends to be observed, but they are only trends and there are always exceptions to the rule. For example, if you are a man, don't think that something can not affect you because it mainly affects women. The only exception to this is that you can not get problems related to women’s reproductive systems, ofcourse!

Famous migraineurs

We sometimes have a tendency to think of many medical conditions as a modern thing. We can for get that many people had headaches and migraines long before doctors had a name for them or knew anything about their true causes. Some key figures in history ha ve been reputed to suffer from migraines (or headaches of some sort, sińce we can not be surę with out travelling back in time). These include Napoleon Bonaparte and Elvis Presley, both of whom managed to combine a fairly successful career with their medical condition, showing, perhaps, that headaches need not take over your life. One fascinating historical figurę who, it is claimed, had migraines, is a nun named Hildegard



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